
  1. Iron Game

    Testosterone Therapy for Men with Type 2 Diabetes

    Could testosterone therapy benefit men with type 2 diabetes? Written by Yvette Brazier Men with type 2 diabetes and low testosterone levels can benefit significantly from testosterone treatment, according to a study published in Diabetes Care. With testosterone treatment, fat turned to...
  2. Iron Game

    No time for healthy diet? Some Californians say they're too busy to eat healthy foods

    Some low-income Californian adults say their busy schedule is to blame for their unhealthy eating habits, according to a study from Johns Hopkins and the University of California, Berkeley. The study is published in Preventing Chronic Disease. Researchers surveyed more than 500 adults living in...
  3. Iron Game

    Albuterol for Fat Loss

    Albuterol Albuterol is one of the popular bronchodilators available in the market which has been designed to initiate increase the air flow to the lungs by relaxing the airway muscles. Inhalation of this drug has also been used to prevent and treat bronchospasm in those patients who have...