
  1. drtbear1967

    Tempo doesn't matter?

    Many trainers advocate for using slow and controlled lifting tempos as they believe this will lead to greater growth. However, this review found that lifting tempo has no effect on muscle growth. Furthermore, extremely slow tempos were actually less effective for growth than fast tempos. Let the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Women need more time to recover

    This study found that trained men were able to recover quicker than trained women following a heavy resistance training protocol. Researchers are uncertain as to why this may occur – gender differences in central fatigue may be a primary reason. This means that men might be able to train muscle...
  3. drtbear1967

    Lower vs Upper Body Training

    This study found that lower body muscle groups recovered from damaging isolation movements more quickly than upper body muscles. For bodybuilders, isolation days can be important for bringing up lagging muscle groups, and this study shows that you can add in more isolation days for the lower...
  4. Presser

    Kids who weight lift too young will Stunt their growth. True or False?

    Does Weight Training Really Stunt Kids' Growth? Ever since I was a young kid, seemingly every adult I came into contact with told me that us youngsters needed to hold off on weight training until our minds and bodies were more mature. They'd mumble something about how it would "stunt your...
  5. drtbear1967


    DHEA has long been purported to increase testosterone and muscle mass in bodybuilders but studies show that’s not the case. DHEA doesn’t have any effect on testosterone and will not increase gains from a resistance training program. A few studies do show mild cognitive benefits in older...
  6. drtbear1967

    Volume Variations

    Nonlinear periodization is a method in which you constantly vary your training volume. This means you’ll have high, low, and moderate volume days in your weekly workouts. This method has been shown to be more effective at increasing gains in size and strength than linear periodization! - ◾️The...
  7. drtbear1967

    Progressive Overload is the Key to Growth.

    If you keep your workout the same, results will eventually plateau. . There are situations where you can reduce volume and still make gains, but as a rule of thumb you should see an increase in demands placed over time to keep making progress. Keep in mind that more demanding workouts also...
  8. Presser


    CAN RESISTANCE TRAINING IMPROVE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH? You want to build muscle? Lift weights. You want to strengthen your heart? Put your running shoes on. This has been the conventional belief of every gym rat who has ever grumbled his (or her) way through thirty minutes on the treadmill...
  9. drtbear1967

    Train Biceps to real Growth.

    Did you know that different parts of a muscle are controlled by different nerves? The biceps has a long and a short head. Nerve cells connected to the long head's outer (lateral) part are activated during elbow flexion, while nerve cells connected to the inner (medial) part are activated by...
  10. Musclebeauty

    Whey Protein's Impact on Insulin Resistance & Blood Glucose

    If you've*been in the lifting game for a semi-significant period of time, you've heard the Joe Gym-bro mantra that consuming whey protein and simple carbohydrates like dextrose immediately post-workout is crucial to "spike" insulin levels and maximize muscle protein synthesis (MPS).*Since the...
  11. drtbear1967

    How to Build Muscle - FYI

    The scientific word for muscle growth is hypertrophy. This basically means that the cells (muscle fibers) in your muscles and the stuff between the cells get bigger. (1). This is different from hyperplasia, which is an increase in the number of muscle fibers in a muscle. You muscle fibers are...
  12. drtbear1967

    BS on Body Type Training

    It’s time to call out the marketing bullshit telling people that they can’t get results if they don’t train according to their body type. - ��Yes, we are all built differently. Yes, we have different genetics. Yes, there is some evidence that certain gene types respond better to...
  13. drtbear1967

    Swimming - The Best Cardio?

    by Christian Duque Cardiovascular exercise is key to losing fat, staying in shape, and also ensuring heart health. It’s called cardiovascular for a reason. Although this form of training is relatively new for bodybuilding purposes, it’s become a staple of pretty much all contest prep...
  14. drtbear1967

    Eat Big to Get Big, Not FAT

    Most men like to eat, and eat a lot. So it's easy to go too far with a calorie surplus when the focus is on muscle gains. But there's a difference between eating enough to fuel workouts, recovery, and hypertrophy, and eating so much that you just look like a fat guy with decent traps. Big arms...
  15. Presser

    How to choose right syringe filters and filter membranes

    How to choose right syringe filters and filter membranesHi guys, The texture of syringe filters include Nylon, PVDF, PTFE, MCE, CA, Glass Fiber, PP, PES. When choosing the texture of syringe filters, we need to consider pore diameter, chemical resistance( if can resist all carrier oils and...
  16. drtbear1967

    Improve Chest Development with Bands

    1. Use Accommodating Resistance: The resistance curve of the bench press makes it hardest at the bottom and easiest at the top. Your ability to produce force is opposite to this. You're weakest at the bottom and strongest at the top. As a result, the bench press doesn't cause high levels of...
  17. drtbear1967

    Intermitting Fasting for Better Fat Burning.

    by Josh Hodnik We were once programmed to believe that a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet was the key to a fitter society that would be less prone to disease. That didn’t help matters and the rate of obesity and disease climbed. The low carb/high protein diet would eventually replace the...
  18. Iron Game

    Aerobics vs. Weight Training for Fat Loss

    by Tom Venuto A recent study from Duke University comparing aerobic versus weight training to see which is better for fat loss was one of the most publicized studies of the year (my in-box was bursting with emails from Burn the Fat readers sending me links and asking me, “What do you think of...
  19. Iron Game

    Eating Carbohydrates Alone OES NOT induce insulin resistance

    Here is an article on how carbohydrates don't necessarily induce insulin resistance but instead the refined carbohydrates, sugars, gut irritants, and chronic stress etc does. "If you’ve been around the Paleo world for any length of time, you’re probably familiar with an explanation that goes...
  20. Iron Game

    The Effect Of Carbs on Isulin Resistance

    "The available data support the idea that consumption of diets high in total carbohydrate does not adversely affect insulin sensitivity compared with high fat diets. Animal data suggest that simple sugars, in particular fructose, have adverse effects on insulin action, but adverse effects have...