
  1. F

    Finestgears - How do Anabolic Steroids work?

    Athletes and bodybuilders often take anabolic steroids for sale to increase protein synthesis and help their muscles grow and get stronger. Anabolic steroids are steroid hormones used 1 to build muscle mass, increase stamina, and make people stronger. In the vast majority of countries around the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Deadlifts - Don't do this!!!

    This is something I see pretty often in the gym and I cringe every single time I see it. - You should not hyperextend your lower back when you deadlift. The deadlift ends when your hips and knees are locked and your shoulders line up with your hips. - Hyperextending squeezes the spine and...
  3. Iron Game

    Do I Need Oral Steroids?

    Are Orals Necessary? I know you have regularly warned of the higher health risks of orals … on the liver and cholesterol. These drugs are very popular, and it makes me wonder: Do you think they are worth the greater risks for some people? I guess what I am asking is, can you get the same...
  4. Iron Game

    The Steroid Lies, Lies, and Crying Wolf

    by Josh Hodnick The government has long used their power to persuade. A highly ambitious campaign was put together to eliminate marijuana use more than a half a century ago. To stop all the “reefer madness”, The government put forth the effort to convince society that marijuana smokers...
  5. Iron Game

    Young Female Athletes: The Risks

    Young Female Athletes: The Risks by Matt Weik Many kids and young adults these days engage in athletics. For some its recreational and for others it’s organized competition. One thing many don’t focus on is the nutritional aspect and what it could be doing to young athletes’ bodies...
  6. Iron Game

    Long Term Anavar Cycle

    Q: How long can I stay on a low dose (25mg) of Anavar? I cannot find a correct legitimate answer anywhere! 6-8-10-12 weeks?? I know Anavar is used in treating AIDS patients from muscle wasting…so what is the max for “healthy” males and females? A: In the context of this discussion, “maximum”...
  7. Iron Game

    Using Anavar As A Bridge?

    Q: What do you think of using a mild steroid like Anavar to bridge between cycles? Is this a good idea to maintain mass between my normal cycles? If so, how much should I use? A: There are many issues with “bridging” that should make the average person think twice about it. For starters, every...
  8. Iron Game

    New study on testosterone replacement

    New study finds testosterone replacement therapy does not increase heart risk. A new study of generally healthy men who used testosterone replacement therapy to normalize testosterone levels has found that taking supplemental testosterone does not increase their risk of experiencing a heart...
  9. gandhisays

    Proviron Minimum and maximum dosages per cycle.

    As Proviron is one of the most misunderstood steroids on earth, so are Proviron Doses. One reason for this misunderstanding is this steroid's ratings based on its structural nature; however, its translating action does not match up to its structural nature. This often leads many to supplement...
  10. guardianactual

    Q&A With IFBB PRO PART 11 supplements

    Q. yesterday,i'm 19years old question with anabolic steroid Thanks for your anaswer about my anabolic steroid questions I'll go natural as i can do. as mentioned before,i'm 184cm, 93kg 18%bf A. i really think you're making a good call for the time being, bro. it's hard to do the right thing...