
  1. Presser

    Losing My Mind Sitting In The House! Corona Virus Ideas........Lets Hear Yours!

    Im bored as shit, and losing my mind! No gym no nothing! If you had a Hazmat suit what would you do? Rob a bank in it, run into bank with my hazmat suit, and fake assault rifle telling everyone the virus has gone airborn, then file them into one room for fake testing, while my partner robbed...
  2. dorian123

    Corona shit

    So what's your take on this Pandemic? Blown out of proportion or end of the world? Anyone?
  3. Presser

    Sick as Hell last few days, Scary time to be sick too & Do not go to gym all sick and shit

    So, i feel like a million dollars right now, as i was sick like i was on my death bed last week through much of this weekend! Anyhow, first thought was of course this Corona Virus bullshit that my phone sends me new notifications for every five minutes lmao. Shit had me worried if im being...
  4. Presser

    Victor Martinez Still Looks great in his Generation Iron Interview

    Not really much substance to this interview lol, I guess you call it "Filler" lol but I thought Vic looked great, and theres a man with some serious "GRIT"! He's been through some shit and I have to say he is one of the smartest guys in bodybuilding but i would be remiss if i didnt say he did...
  5. L


    I need to get some straight up info on the best gH out there. I want to know who to go to go for the best HgH out there. I've received info that some of it is nothing but bunk shit. If I'm gong to spend my money I want the gH legit! I'm not setting myself up for abuse.
  6. Admin

    We Have Seen Quite A Few Hacked E-mail Accounts This Week! READ THIS - It Pertains To All Of YOU

    I just had my protonmail and hot mail accounts hacked, i seen the change request notification so i was luck enough to be able to regain control of both my email accounts by doing a failover password reset with an unlisted account. However, this fucking person, was in my email accounts...
  7. Presser

    Google Search Has Turned Into A Giant heap Of Fucking Garbage! You cant Find Anything But One Page Wonders

    So, im here doing a little research for a question we got earlier about what to use to make liquid testolone rad 140 I dare anyone here to search out anything related to that question, or even just the normal searches like Best Rad 140 dosage, or rad 140 sarm YOU WILL BE OVER RUN WITH CHINESE...
  8. E

    I'm Back!

    Hey, MC, been quite a while since I was active here. Been quite busy with all kinds of shit happening in life. Made a major change for the better and am now able to make time for training - which has been severely lacking - and maybe contributing a little bit here again. Glad to be back, and...
  9. Presser

    Fractured hand

    Guys , anyone who has been waiting for a reply from me via private message, i am on top of it all today. I fractured my left hand weed whacking and power washing the house about a week ago, and havent been on here much due to trying to figure out what happened to my hand. It swelled up like a...
  10. CH3NO2

    CBD Oil?

    Who takes it? What do you take it for? My wife has anxiety and is interested in taking it. There is a shit ton of hype and a million different pop up companies. Is this stuff for real? Does it help with anxiety? What dose do you take? What brand do you use? I did a search on here and did not...
  11. Presser

    Testing thread in anabolic review forum WITH PREFIX

  12. Presser

    Pressers Movie Review - Title (BIGGER) - About Joe and Ben Weider - Loved It!

    I know my weekly movie reviews have become more like monthly lately but this one I needed to take a minute and Post Review for right after watching it! Movie title is BIGGER and its the Weider Brothers Story, with BIG TIME Actors, for the record as I know a lot of our fitness genre movies are B...
  13. Ox 51

    Warriors Visit Obama

    Ain't this some shit! The Warriors, who have refused to visit the White House following their championships while Trump is President, visited Obama yesterday. They were in Washington to play the Wizards. Coach Steve Kerr has been very vocal against President Trump.
  14. 9


    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> damn i love the part at 1:35 where Larry's training partner is telling him someone is...
  15. thx

    Fuck it! Winter cycle: Test cyp, Tren ena, EQ etc...

    I changed my mind. I was gonna do a test prop cycle again but I got some old Test Cyp and EQ laying around and I forgot about the Tren E I've ordered a long time ago. So who wants to help me put together a winter cycle?! This is what I have: Test cyp ~60ml + 4x10ml vials EQ ~ 20ml + 10ml vial...
  16. C

    3 weeks in my honest review.

    Started MC IGF-1 LR3 3 weeks ago with my Test + Deca cycle at the same time, so the Deca - Test probably have not really hit yet... Week 1 - 40 mcg pre workout sub Q, First time doing chest I noticed an unusual pump from just flat bench which I NEVER get a pump from so this shit does work...
  17. Metal85

    Ronnie coleman movie :O

    Watched a little of this on netflix, he looks like dog shit took a shit on cat shit
  18. C

    IGF IM pain normal?

    Been injecting for the first time in my biceps and holy fuck this shit hurts feels like I tore every fiber in my biceps without working them at all lol .... debating sticking with SUB-Q because of this... any input is great
  19. drtbear1967

    Preacher Curls - Do not Ego Lift!!

    ebtofficial For those of you who don't know, I completely ruptured my bicep tendon doing preacher curls. Since then, watching anyone really push themselves on preacher curls makes me cringe and I have to look away. It is common for people to go very heavy. You will notice they are unable to...
  20. T

    DPO labs?

    anyone try these guys?i bought some cialis,waited an hour before some good times and it did absoutely nothing. I personally use cialis for the nitric oxide affect and there was 0 vascularity effects,absolutely shit. I asked for a refund and the clown blocked me and booted me from his board. So...