
  1. 9

    Wanderlei Silva & MMAFA push for Muhammad Ali Act in MMA

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> Wandy making great points here, not bat shit crazy at all, i love the ali act idea
  2. 9

    Conor's Coach Defends MMA on TV

    <iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> he kept his cool and made god points, that interviewer would've made me lose my shit
  3. 9

    Throw Back Thursday: Silva/Weidman Weigh In Kiss

    so awkward, what was silva doing, he initiated that shit
  4. 9

    MMA News Round Up 7/21 - Good Stuff

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> good shit from mma digest, as always
  5. Presser

    Movie Review "Cake" Jennifer Aniston

    I think its called CAKE lol, anyhow, talk about fucking depressing! I watched about 85% of this movie, then when they got to her young son being killed i went to fucking bed! Why do they make such depressing movies, i mean what the fuck lmao I do NOT recommend this shit
  6. 9

    UFC 189 Video: The Thrill and The Agony

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="420" width="750"></iframe> wish there was more lol, good shit
  7. Presser

    Just bought the UFC 189 fight!!!! Yeah boyyyyy

    Shit better be good
  8. Presser

    San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi news Conference is on Now! What a Deusch bag

    Not sure who all is watching this dick bags press conference right now, but what a fucking load of shit he is trying to sell us! Ross Mirkarimi needs to step down period! He is also a convicted wife abuser!
  9. Presser

    Does anyone still sell Pure Ephedrine HCL without the guaifenesin bullshit?

    Just curious if anyone is still selling pure ephedrine hcl without the expectorant gauffinesan in it like they sell at the pharmacy, i think i wanna stop taking this ephedrine for a while that has the extra shit in it and try to find pure ephedrine hcl tabs, anyone know any stores selling it...
  10. Presser

    Worst Part of the Sporting Year is NOW

    Man i hate this time of year, NBA finals is over and there isn't shit to watch now lol, and NO i am NOT a baseball fan, that shit is boring as fuck! Cant wait for the NFL to start up again
  11. Presser

    Anyone see the Henderson fight this past weekend?

    Shit lasted a few seconds lol, unreal!
  12. Stickler*

    i'm a bit buzzed.. and wanna fight! ..

    that's it.. I'm in.. let's go! .. or .. we can talk about it until later! .. and then.. figure shit out... then... which could lead to... stupid amounts of cardio.. and ... being tired... .... and sweating ... and broken bones.. and gun shots! .. (.. j/k ) .. i don't have a...
  13. 9

    Respect & The Beauty of MMA

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> to me the stuff with coleman/his daughters/fedor is awkward as hell & bj kissing hughes on the lips is the same way lol. other than that pretty cool. the story at 4:40...
  14. Presser

    Mother-Fucking…….I.R.S. …...

    Fuck, shit! Fuck Fuck Fuck And FUUUUUCKKKK Thats all I got to say about that! :curse:
  15. Presser

    Never Buy a Tag Heuer Watch!

    So some of you read my prior post about my brand new watch falling off my wrist in my truck, as a link in the band broke! So the watch was 34 days old or some shit like that, brand fucking new basically, and nearly 3k$ and its been 3 weeks now since Tag has had it, and they are now telling me...
  16. crash

    Compettive edge M-DROL is there a clone out there

    For guys that have tried M-Drol I was wondering if there is any thing comparable too it out now ? That shit gave me crazy strength
  17. Presser

    April Fools Day!

    Don't forget to fake your own death or some shit lol
  18. freakinthegym

    mk -2866 aka Ostarine

    Man has anyone run this stuff? I ran 15mgs a day for a week and felt like shit! Spaced out . Tired. Not in a good mood and bright lights looking double! Wtf
  19. Y


    Ok gentlemen, what's the best way to give myself an appetite for food? I just never seem to be hungry enough to manage my diet in a clean fashion. Sure I could probably get in all my cals if I ate like shit but I'm trying to clean bulk. Drugs or otherwise, what's the best thing y'all found to...
  20. gandhisays

    Doctors dont know shit about bodybuilding, Steroid homrones cycles, & dieting period

    I’m getting tired of people in half-assed shape trying to tell people in good shape exactly what they need to do to be healthy. Let’s face it, if any of these so called “experts” really knew anything they’d look better than they do. They’ve never lived what they’ve studied. All they hold is a...