
  1. 9

    Conor Grocerie Shopping Like a Boss Lol

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe> how about we all shop shirtless in one of those chairs in his honor?
  2. Presser

    No idea what to buy the wife this year. Hate this last minute shit!

    So i haven't even started my christmas shopping for the wife, lol, no idea what to buy her. Last year i went a little nuts, and this year I'm plum out of ideas lol, what kinds of things have you guys got your wife's, or are you getting them? what is the can't go wrong gift idea ?
  3. Powderguy

    Valentines day gift Ideas

    Alright I will break the ice on this one. I know some of you have women and some well, lets just say friends with benefits. Has anyone decided if its worth getting something for them or just doing something nice for them or together with them besides sex. I plan on taking mine to the...
  4. T

    great meal planing help!!!!

    If your like me and don't like the hassle of count macros give this site a look. they break it down to a damn shopping list and recipe of cooking details pretty sweet. Hope some this helps some of you folks.