
  1. 9

    Anatomy of Fighter - The Rise of a Volkan "No Time" Oezdemir (Short Film)

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  2. Iron Game

    Long Steroid Esters Are More Anabolic Than Short Esters

    By Anthony Roberts TESTOSTERONE ESTERS I thought testosterone is testosterone? Isn’t that what they say on the internet? If you hear it on a steroid forum, isn’t it true? Well, research dating as far back as 1954 says no. In fact, (primate) research as recent as this decade seems to say the...
  3. E

    Test prop: ED or EOD for stable level?

    What's the best answer to this question? I have pretty much zero experience with short esters.
  4. Iron Game

    Do You Have A "TRAINING" Mission Statement?

    Words Of Wisdom Things I've Learned Here are a few pearls of wisdom: What kind of person needs a mission statement for training? It only makes sense to be big and strong, to regularly challenge the body. I train because I can. To succeed in weight lifting, do shorter workouts than the...
  5. LeatherHead

    Anyone Else on Instagram?

    I've been using my instagram as a video/photo journal of some of my training and progress on this journey to my first show. Just wondering if anyone else on here uses it. It's funny to see how far some things have already changed on me in a few short weeks. I'm 11 weeks out now, and I have a...
  6. Presser

    Server Crashed This Morning. My Apologies

    For everyone that was booted off the site this morning and unable to login for a short period of time, I am extremely sorry! Problem solved, as it was simply a power thing by the looks of it! Thank you
  7. drtbear1967

    Muscle activation of the Lats.

    themusclephd[/URL] Mechanically the lats function the best on the second half of a lat pulldown. This study showed that muscle activation was much higher during the second half of a pulldown than the first. Higher muscle activation indicates greater fast twitch muscle fiber recruitment...
  8. Iron Game

    Super High Intensity Cycles (SHIC) Anybody doing this??

    Super High Intensity Cycles (SHIC) Thought I would throw a concept out there from a guy I used to lead with in the chem section at MD back about 6 years ago. He and I differed on a few minor points but all in all we agreed on the concept. I like my super high dose runs a bit longer but I do see...
  9. Iron Game

    Creatine Use in Bodybuilding

    Bodybuilders have been flocking to the use creatine supplements for the past 15 years or so and it is no surprise. The reports, mostly anecdotal, of tremendous benefits from using creatine make it seem almost like a miracle potion. But is it? And, more importantly, does creatine have any harmful...
  10. Iron Game

    Rest Pause Training - Boost Your Training Intensity

    Go to any gym these days and you see most trainees doing an endless number of reps all in the hopes of attaining the oh-so elusive and fleetingly short pump. Blame it on Arnold who, years ago in the movie "Pumping Iron," said that getting a pump was as good as coming, or, in Arnold-ese, comink...
  11. V

    How would u cycle tren base

    How would you use tren base for a cycle short one 4 weeks or so
  12. Iron Game

    What You Need To Know About Human Growth Hormone

    What You Need To Know About Human Growth Hormone Factors determining HGH dosage Health state. Using solo or in combination. Cycle duration and Protocol Financial capacities. Purpose Different quantities of the hormone show different results. To improve your skin, and, feel younger, and...
  13. Iron Game

    Short Steroid Cycles with High Doses VS Long Steroid Cycles with Low Doses

    Q: “I’m new to anabolic steroid use. For the amount of steroids I have, I need to decide between hitting it hard for a short period of time, or getting many more weeks of use at more modest doses. Which is the better way to go? Will this change as I get more experienced?” A: For the new user...
  14. T

    Anyone here ever try or know about coolsculpting?

    Its non-invasive supposedly alternative to liposuction where the fat cells get frozen via a machine and then apparently your body rids themselves of them a short time later. I've heard good and bad, wondering if anyone has had any first hand experience with this??
  15. 9

    The Art of Fighting. Short Documentary

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. 9

    Alex Oliveira - The Brazilian Cowboy

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Alex Oliveira is a man of his word. After winning a "Performance of The Night" bonus for his stunning KO of Piotr Hallmann at UFC Fight Night 77, last November, "Cowboy"...
  17. Iron Game

    When you get sick in the middle of a cycle?

    When you get sick in the middle of a cycle. We are in the middle of flu season. I figure this article can help if you get sick mid steroid cycle and still want to maximize your results/usage. It happened to me it can happen to anyone. Bill Roberts Q: “What should I do if I get sick during...
  18. Iron Game

    Training for Strength, Powerlifting or Power Bodybuilding

    Strength training, powerlifting, or generally training for high weight and low reps is something I feel is ignored and often times shunned by the fitness world. Bodybuilding types find themselves using lowing weight for high reps and in my opinion selling themselves short. I have experimented...
  19. Iron Game

    Cheque Drops (Mibolerone)

    Cheque Drops (Mibolerone) Cheque Drop is the tradename for the anabolic steroid mibolerone. Originally used to suppress ovulation of female dogs in heat, Mibolerone is one of the most harsh steroids in existence. It is approximately 5.9 times as anabolic, and 2.5 times as androgenic as...
  20. Presser

    Watched 2 great movies both on the Housing Crisis

    1st i may have posted about called "99 homes"" it was free movie from movie and the other i just seen a few days ago on same site, named "the big short" or somehting to that effect, this one had a big named cast, and i didnt even know Brad Pit was a main charecter in the movie the entire...