
  1. Iron Game

    Sandy Pants placed first at the APF 181 classic raw division. Here are her impressions:

    Sandy Pants placed first at the APF 181 classic raw division. Here are her impressions: “2/3 on squats! Was supposed 330 for my opener but they misloaded it and i hit 341. Hit 363 (this video) for my second attempt and missed 374. 3/3 on bench with a very shaky 192lb bench! Little 16lb PR. 3/3...
  2. Iron Game

    Brett Benedix - Squats 680 & Deadlifts 575 at 19 years old

    Brett Benedix is 4 Weeks out from the USPA Single Ply Event at the Europa Fit Expo in Orlando FL. These are both Personal Records for him in single ply gear. He will be competing in the 148 lb weight class at this event. It will be his first meet as a 20 year old (Junior lifter). He is planning...
  3. Iron Game

    The Most Underrated Exercise Around Front Squats

    We’ve all seen it: an overzealous lifter in the squat rack, four plates deep on each side, bellowing out a battle cry as if entering battle against Gregor Clegane in the Game of Thrones. One of two things happen: 1. An underwhelming quarter squat. 2. A “hybrid good-morning” that resembles Miley...
  4. Iron Game

    Proper SQUAT form

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-X7vuKJlSBU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> - - - Updated - - - Keep your chest up, as with all exercises with a good arch in the lower back. · Slowly lower in a controlled fashion until you reach the bottom of...
  5. 3J

    Eat my meat by Dave Tate, great read

    Eat My Meat by Dave Tate Years ago when I read articles I used to read every word. I'd try to devour it all. After years of reading, I discovered most of the article's were just filler and there were usually just a a few good points worth absorbing. While these points were often very good...
  6. Pushtoday

    Proper Squat Depth

    Myles Worthington It’s a debate as old as time. An argument that has divided nations, torn up relationships and destroyed even the strongest of bromances. How deep should you go in your back squat? There are some guys that don’t go low enough. You know who I’m talking about. The guy that...
  7. Presser

    Font and Back Squats work leg muscles just the same.

    Front squat versus back squat Makes no difference to your leg muscles For your leg muscles it makes no difference whether you bring the bar down behind your neck or let it rest at the front of your torso on your shoulders when doing squats. Sports scientists at the University of Florida...
  8. Presser

    Standard Squatting versus Box Squats

    Box squat nearly as good as regular squat A normal squat stimulates your leg muscles a bit better than a box squat – the version where you sit for a second on a box at the lowest point of the movement. But the difference between the two variations is minuscule , say sports scientists at...
  9. freight train


    Whats up brothers an sisters?Ok so got my igf an decided to log this which may or may not lead into my next show in nov.Took my first pin of igf yesterday before training legs took 60 mcg ,not sure exgactly how soon or how long it takes to feel any effects ,i did have a tremendous workout. My...
  10. D

    Few Years old - but still impressive! Ronnie Coleman 800 lbs squat

    Inspiration for leg day!
  11. charliebigspuds


    There’s a golden rule in squatting: make sure you break parallel. Alas, when we train the squat, as we do every week, we endeavor to make sure we break parallel. But do you strive to hit full depth? I’m talking full range of motion (ROM), ass-to-grass position. Of course, we’ve been taught that...