
  1. Big Joe

    is It real or scamming me?

    Good morning everyone.. yesterday I received a message on my taptalk app on my android through MC not sure if I’m allowed to say the name so I won’t offering me to sign up as a new member to some shopping site so I had to look it seems they offer some good stuff .. if you need more info on wtf...
  2. EkHatch

    Whey and creatine

    Does Whey and Creatine actually work? Is there any members on here who trained with no whey or creatine and then after a while moved onto taking whey and creatine and noticed an improvment? I'm just wondering as i've read loads recent and some people say not to waste money on supps at...
  3. Presser

    Supplement Company Owners & Sales Reps

    I am kind of surprised by the lack of Supplement Companies out there on Bodybuilding Community Forums like Especially The newer ones or the smaller companies trying to break into the big retail spots. You would think They would be here posting about the supplement brand ...
  4. B

    Hey all!

    What up everyone? New to the forum and hoping to contribute to the site as much as possible! Well guys I been browsing a lot of bodybuilding sites searching for information on diet and exercise and really liked the maturity I see in the posts here. I'm 29 years old been working out mostly my...
  5. drtbear1967

    Old School to build Foundation.

    If you spend some time scouring the internet, you're going to be inundated with the advice to "use compound free weight movements." There's a good reason for this. Exercises like squats, bench presses, rows, dips, chins, and deadlifts will cover virtually every muscle in the body. It's good...
  6. TravisBLKMACH

    Has anyone dealt w/ pct-shop lately?

    I have been using them for a few years and all their stuff is great...but I have emailed him several times recently with no response. Does anyone else here know where he went?
  7. M

    New Guy

    Hello fellers, I'm new here, My user name is Mobrushman, really want to learn some stuff.
  8. NAIR


    Anyone tried this stuff? What was it like or what have you heard?
  9. S

    New here

    Hey guys. New to the forum. Been doing some research and lots of people are saying MC's stuff is legit and works great. New to this stuff so I am trying to learn as much as I can and get educated.
  10. P

    Ostarine Dosage

    First off, I'm sorry if I sound stupid ,as I'm very new to this and this is my first time doing anything. I just took my first dose of Ostarine (bought from the Muscle Chemistry Store above) and the bottle says: 30ml/35mg. Does this mean for every ONE MILLILITER that I take there is 35...
  11. Iron Game

    Kratom Use As A PED. What You Need To Know.

    BACKGROUND In December of 2012, I introduced my Blueprint Bulletin subscribers to Kratom – KRATOM: HERBAL GODSEND OR DEVIL’S DELIGHT? It was against the backdrop of Kratom for performance enhancement. Since then, the quality and potency of the leaf has only gotten better, though the DEA...
  12. Iron Game


    Q: Is there any truth behind the headlines about an epidemic of teen growth hormone use? A: The recent headlines about human growth hormone (hGH) use are a perfect example of the sensationalism that pervades today’s journalism. The fact is, the consistently trusted surveys of teenage drug usage...
  13. 9

    How to Cut Weight for the UFC with Alan Belcher

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> good stuff
  14. drtbear1967

    Don't Be a Gym Marker

    Don't Be a Gym Marker It's inconsiderate and everyone thinks you're a wanker. by John Romano “Markers" are people who will occupy three or four pieces of equipment and mark their territory with a towel at one station, their gym bag and some straps at another, a sweaty shirt at another, and...
  15. yellow snow

    enhanced athlete

    Anyone else watch their stuff on youtube? of my gym buddies turned me on to them..............they seem a little too cavalier about DNP, but seem to have some good info.
  16. J

    The Most Reputable Brand To BUY SARMs Like RAD 140, Cardarine, Ligandrol Ostarine, Andarine S23, Stenabolic

    Hi I am new to the forum, I have purchased Sarms from 3 companies so far, XXXXXXX and XXXX . It seems like a got bunk stuff from the xxcc and xxxx but XXXXXX was legit stuff, but there pricing is pretty expensive. I know you get what you pay for and if its to good to be true its not. Can anyone...
  17. 9

    Eddie Alvarez: Crossroads

    <iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> kind of old now but still good stuff
  18. Iron Game

    Do You Train Intense? Are You HARDCORE?

    How many of us really train hard. I mean we go into the gym have a set workout we think out. Some follow a path with the same thing day in and day out without thinking that the body has to have some kind of change. Most of us just go through the motions with the same amount of weight and reps...
  19. freakinthegym

    Thumbs up to muscle chemistry store !

    Last week I ordered some AQUA-DEX and wow its been maybe a few days and I've lost a lot of water that was floating around in me , funny how much leaner you can look by just using this stuff . Thanks Mc
  20. 9

    What Fighters Should I Post About More?

    If you have any favorites you'd like to see more stuff on let me know and i'll try to dig u up some stuff