
  1. P.S.L.

    Suggestions , Fixes , Welcome for

    We will appreciate all the Suggestions concerning our website PURITYSOURCELABS.COM Fixes , Typos , Errors , Suggestions on how to improve/fix & Tune our website to serve this community better ALL ideas and suggestions will be more than Welcome ! Too busy Crew to take care of all the...
  2. CrazySteroids

    sleep help

    We need help seeping any suggestions on Melatonin or Nytol to help our guys get to sleep????
  3. The Dude

    NPP Cycle questions

    I've never used this stuff as it should be. Just threw some in one time until my Deca arrived. I keep hearing about it. I only do low dose stuff now. I was thinking of maybe trying 100mg of NPP, 100mg of Test prop EOD, with maybe something else?? I'll be using IGF. My goal will only be a denser...
  4. advancedElite

    Advanced Elite Labs Tell us what you want?

    Our line of products is always expanding. But everywhere we are we like to ask the PEOPLE what they would like us to carry. all suggestions are taken serious. We want the people to dictate what we carry I hear HALO is scarce these days....
  5. Y

    What do you use to check body fat percentage at home?

    As it says, what do you all use? I'm told the handheld devices and scales are not accurate at all (even though the products claim to be pretty accurate). I want to do a daily weight and bf log but I don't feel like getting calipers out every morning just for that. I was using a little handheld...
  6. J

    How should i start with my first cycle?

    Hello, guys. I'm not sure something about to start my cycle. need some suggestions. Thank you all~
  7. S

    Switching from alpha parabolan to tren ace. or tren E after my nine wks. is up??? Hel

    Hello guys After my nine weeks is up running parabolan id like to extend it an additional 3 wks. or so. I don't have access to more parabolan and without it being from alpha im worried it will just end up being tren e anyways. Any suggestions of how i should tackle this situation? Thinking...
  8. RagingWhoreMoan

    New Year Programming HELP

    So I have been doing PPL since early October I am going away for the holidays, so I will be taking a nice break I am prob going to be trying some SARMs in Jan I will make a new post to discuss stack when it gets closer I am curious as to some suggestions for new programs Right now I am...
  9. K

    Pre-Workout suggestions

    Looking to purchase a new Pre-workout supplement. Id love a few suggestions on peoples favorite pre-workout and where get it. Thanks