
  1. J

    King Kong (strongest pre workout available)

    I've seen guys using little as 1/2ml to 1.5ml an hour before the gym. If injectable pre workouts is your thing, you must give this a try! KING KONG 50mg Test Base/ 40mg Superdrol /25mg Tren Base/ml For a list, [email protected]
  2. J


    King Kong stack 50mg Test base 40mg Superdrol 25mg Tren Base Head over to to place your order
  3. J


    New product!! Blend of superdrol, dbol, adrol 25mg each
  4. Steroidify Rep

    🔬 Odin Anabolics latest laboratory test results are here! 🧪

    Back to school, back to testing! First September reports are already here and they are brilliant. As always, any result can be verified at Janoshik: Janoshik Analytical Odin Anabolics Superdrol 50 - Methyldrostanolone Superdrol 50Mg _______________________________________________ Odin...
  5. J

    Halo & Superdrol update

    We now carry: Superdrol 25mg/tab Halo 25mg/tab Go check it out by going to or click the banner!
  6. Macedog24

    Anavar... For cutting and recomp

    OXANDROLONE (Anavar) - 10mg/tab EP Supplier:Euro-Pharmacies Chemical Namexandrolone Comes In: 10mg tab Dosage: 50-100mg/day Active time: 48 hours Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid Anavar is a DHT derived steroid that has been structurally...
  7. Macho313

    Injectable Superdrol and Sustanon Compounding Instructions homebrew

    What's up guys? It's been awhile and it's time to get this forum back on track. We're going to start by different recipes for oils. There's two ways we can go about this I want your guy's opinion? I can just put a list of recipes of that I no work but what I would rather do is have you guys...
  8. B

    Desoxymethyltestosterone (Pheraplex)

    I have had very good luck brewing injectable Superdrol I want to try to make injectable Pheraplex (Madol) Does anyone know if this will work as an injectable It is pretty amazing compound orally. My injectable Sdrol is very good(Miglyol 840) Please advise Thanks Bros
  9. S

    Finished oils domestic USA

    Here are the finished products in our USA warehouse. Product | Concentration | |:------------------------|:--------------------| | Test E | 250mg/ml (10ml)| | Test Cyp | 200mg/ml (10ml)| | Test Prop |...
  10. D

    starting cycle.

    ok fellas, just for completeness, I'm 52yrs old 511 jut got down to 195 lbs. I'm pretty lean, little lower back, little front torso fat. not much but needs work. Shortly I will begin the spring ritual of transformation. Goals will be to reach 210 some where around 10% bodyfat. I know that sounds...
  11. D

    inject superdrol

    I read on here somewhere about super drol. I'm really thinking about injectable! It comes in 25 mg per ml. My thoughts are 1/2 an ml everyday. I have no idea as to length of time. I've red here that 3-4 weeks then gains stop. Has anyone used before? If so can you hook me up with some info?
  12. guardianactual

    MENT + Tren woah.

    So, I bought a bottle of TNE off a guy at the gym. And loved it so he offered me Tren Base so I ran both. Everyday in oct. Til it ran out. Now I'm using his brand of Tren A, test P and ment. I'm doing 300ew tren. 300ew ment 150ee test p. And 20mg ED of superdrol and it's crazy. My issue is I...
  13. shredzs


    SHREDZS "THE INTENSE ALPHA MALE'' BODYTECH Warrior log Hey members, I am a fellow rec BB'er/Strength Athelete/Adrenaline junkie from Canada! I am known as a BS free, say it like it is Intense lunny from Atlantic Canada....I am 36yrs old, Mechanical Enginner and business owner...Been at the iron...
  14. drtbear1967

    History of Superdrol

    Superdrol is the brand name of Methyldrostanolone. It is an anabolic steroid that was often sold as an over the counter prohormone or nutritional supplement by Anabolic Extreme and several other manufacturers. Users were reported to experience gains of as much as fifteen to thirty pounds of...
  15. Presser

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains If you thought adding dianabol ( dbol ) to your steroid cycle was unbelievable then adding superdrol will blow your mind! I have run dbol with testosterone only cycles, and thought it was pretty kick ass! The first time i ever ran dbal was alongside...
  16. A

    Zenco labs

    Hallo my brothers I buy this stock zenco labs . and i started cycle with 64 kilo after 3 months i now 78 kilo. I feel i stuck and i want change stuff I start with test e boldenone Npp and superdrol for the first one month What do you advise me to change? I want to continue the cycle for six...
  17. Bulkraws

    Bulkraws Best Prohormones

    Bulkraws got best prorhomones raw powder for you All the following prohormones are stocked . Don't miss these great products ! Superdrol Trestolone Decanoate Trestolone Enanthate Epistane Dymethazine Trestolone Acetate Trenavar Halodrol 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin Arimistane 11-oxo 11-oxo...
  18. guardianactual

    M1T added

    So I dropped Tren for a short while to finish up 1200mg of masteron a week and 800mg of test e. I have lost some fat for sure and it didnt seem to take very long. Along with gw50 i pushed hard as hell. Then of course went camping got the flu and lost more weight lmao. Currently im 185 down...
  19. Iron Game

    Your Liver and the toxicity of oral steroids

    Some of you may already know this but this thread is to inform the misinformed about the toxicity of oral anabolic steroid use. I'm writing this thread because I was running anadrol @ 100mg ED and had to stop because my food wasn't digesting and led to becoming constipated, had really bad gas...
  20. drtbear1967

    Italian Bodybuilder Busted

    Giuseppe Ippolito has tested positive for an array of banned substances and steroids. In fact, he tested positive for a whopping fourteen illegal steroids/substances! Usually, people don’t test positive for that many things at once, so this bust was definitely newsworthy. The details of the...