
  1. akn

    Enclomiphene – The Super Clomid?

    by Josh Hodnik Clomiphene (Clomid) is one of the first drugs ever used for post-cycle-therapy to restore the body’s natural testosterone production. Clomiphene is a synthetic estrogen agonist/antagonist. In certain tissues it can block estrogen by binding to certain receptors. It can oppose the...
  2. Iron Game

    Ostarine for Women? YES

    When it comes to taking anything to get results women definitely have it harder than men. The problem is that almost anything that provides faster results for women also has defeminizing effects as well. Don’t let some of the figure models fool you, take away the makeup, hair extensions...
  3. Presser

    Chest and Triceps Yesterday....blahzay blah blah

    Its always those days where you dont feel like going to the gym and you push yourself to get in and you have a great workout! Well for me yesterday was the opposite, i felt amped to go since the night before, felt as if i timed all my supplements and meals just right for optimum performance...
  4. Iron Game

    Dandelion Extract for Water Retention

    Found this on another site and thought it could come in handy for our members. Edema, also known as water retention, can cause swelling in the feet, legs, ankles, fingers, and arms. It is a symptom that's sometimes related to a certain disease or disorder. There are several over the counter...
  5. Iron Game

    Common Mistakes Made Using Anabolic Steroids

    Steroids are nothing to play around with. There are many mistakes that can be made in using them and using them with a lack of general steroid education is the most common mistake made. You need to know what certain types of steroids do, how to stack and cycle different steroids for maximum...
  6. W

    Female thinking about taking Anavar. Knowledge and expertise needed!

    Hi Guys and Gals, It will be my first time taking Anavar to meet my goals of leaning out and increasing muscle mass. I still want to maintain my feminine physique and voice ;)! I'm looking for advice and knowledge from experience. my questions are - female first time user, what is the best...
  7. P

    Could I just be that estrogen sensitive?

    Ok I'm starting to get a little pain under my nipples usually just up my aromasim and it eventually goes away. But I'm taking like 25mg a day and probably going to up it to 40mg a day. That's ALOT from what I have been reading so is it possible I'm just that estrogen sensitive? I suppose...
  8. J

    Best Fat Burner?

    What do you guys think is the best fat burner? I was thinking about taking Phenadrine or Stimerex-ES? What are your thoughts?
  9. D

    Deca causing bad cramps!

    So after about 10 yrs, I decided to try deca again. Just came off two rotator cuff surgeries and two bicep relocations so i wanted to give deca a try again to help me build up my strength in the tendons. After three weeks I started to get bad cramps, gas like pains in my upper left rib cage. I...
  10. Iron Game

    Prostaglandins: PGE1 & PGE2 Secret to Muscle Building...

    Prostaglandins: PGE1 & PGE2 Secret to Muscle Building... Since World War II one major bodybuilding trend has remained constant: Every year the athletes are both bigger and leaner. Obviously, the athletes who are the champions know some things that the others ignore. In the early 1950s the...
  11. Presser

    Growth Hormone versus Testosterone for Anti-aging, Fat Loss and Lean Muscle Mass Gain

    This Testosterone versus HGH article is pretty old and since being pubished a lot more studies have been done and comparisons made. IGF-1 Lr3 has also come out and gotten extremely popular since this article, and for those who dont know, IGF-1 Lr3 trumps purchasing HGH , not only due to cost...
  12. yellow snow

    Igf-1 LR3 and HGH

    Can you guys give me some first hand experience with HGH and IGF. Can you take lower doses of HGH if you are also taking IGF to accieve the same results?
  13. O

    Newb to IGF 1 LR3.. Have a few questions...

    I see all kind of guys on here taking this in different ways to the point its a bit confusing to me. After reading all these posts I am now thinking I will be going pre wo. Do you need to carb up with it as I see a lot off people doing but its not something I usually do. I usually do it post wo...
  14. O

    DIM for anti-e while on?

    My doctor gave me DIM for an estrogen blocker while on test. What are your opinions and what else should I consider taking or eating. Thanks Guys, Onemind
  15. Presser

    Andarine (s-4) best for Cutting cycle used as a hardening agent at 50mg daily

    Andarine (S-4) Users will want to use Andarine during their cutting phase of their cycles as it works best this way. S-4 has amazing fat burning properties making it a favorite among bodybuilders trying to cut fat and stay vascular. Andarine s-4 has about a 3 hour half life making it best to...
  16. G

    Amazing IGF1 LR3 ever!!

    Well, i used at this moment only 4 times in workout days taking it pre-WO. i can say that i was freaking out how hard my muscles got. Never before i had this hardness in my muscles. I am taking 60mcgr bilateral injection pre-WO and simple is amazing. I am also in in a cycle of bolde/susta/tren e...
  17. C

    Florida's Will Grier suspended for one year after positive PED test

    Florida Gators quarterback Will Grier has been suspended for one year for violating NCAA rules, coach Jim McElwain announced Monday. Grier tested positive for a performance-enhancing substance that was found in an over-the-counter supplement, McElwain said. The positive test carries an automatic...
  18. Presser

    Anyone take nootropics like Phenylpiracetam or Modafinil for brain functions?

    So I've been looking into maybe buying or getting a prescription for nootropics like Modafinil or the phenyl anyone know much about this stuff or have experience taking it? I'm looking for some extra focus at work. Feel like I been getting a little bit of everything done and not a lot of one...
  19. Presser

    Injecting H.C.G. Subcutaneously or Intra-Muscularly which is Best?

    There are slightly different absorption rates and speeds between subcutaneous and I.M., but you will never notice a difference with HCG. Most prescription inserts will recommend intramuscular injections , though it doesn't make much difference honestly. Also Subq will cause less car tissue some...
  20. Presser

    How much HCG to take and when to take it. During steroid cycle or post cycle.

    "I advise my AAS patients to use small amounts of HCG (250IU to 500IU) two days each week, right from the beginning of the cycle. This serves to maintain testicular form and function. It makes more sense to me to keep the horse in the barn, so to speak, then to have to chase it across three...