
  1. drtbear1967

    What are you goals?

    Verified One of the most common mistakes newer lifters make is not having a clearly defined goal or target. But not experienced lifters. They'll always have a target, whether that's a competition, an event, or just competing against their own previous PRs. . To keep the fire burning, look for...
  2. drtbear1967


    LAT STRETCH VARIATIONS . 📚 These 3 dynamic stretches aim to target the Latissimus Doris muscle, which if tight could lead to lower back extension when lifting the arm overhead. This muscle spans from the lower back region (thoracolumbar region) to the arm. These stretches should be done with a...
  3. drtbear1967

    Killer Core Variations

    HANGING CORE VARIATIONS . 📚By using the weight of the legs there is added resistance placed on the core muscles. Each of these variations target different muscle groups. Make sure not to use momentum while pulling the legs up for each of these variations, keep the core tight and engaged at all...
  4. drtbear1967

    Low Back Rehab - more to help

    𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐑𝐄𝐇𝐀𝐁 . . . Low back stretches not helping? Try this exercise to rehab your low back and QL. Many people notice temporary relief with stretching, and although these stretches can feel nice and there isn’t anything wrong with that, they aren’t always the solution! Sometimes we need to...
  5. drtbear1967

    Research on Fructose

    Fructose-containing sugars are known to be a target target for their putative role in causing obesity and cardiometabolic disease. However, current studies to support this claim are limited. . Evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses of controlled trials has not shown that...
  6. drtbear1967

    Stop Foam Rolling your IT Band

    Stop smashing your IT band with a foam roller and do this instead! Your IT band doesn’t like compression and this can often make it worse. Have you considered your hip as being the culprit? Maybe we should attack the hip instead of just smashing our body where it hurts! Our hip plays a large...
  7. drtbear1967

    Post Exhaustion Training

    Pre-exhaustion involves exhausting the prime mover in a compound movement before performing the compound movement – like doing chest flyes immediately before a bench press. However, this can easily lead to failure on bench which might not be the safest option when training alone. The good news...
  8. drtbear1967

    Partial Reps for Growth.

    You've heard this rule before: always, always, always use a full range of motion. The truth? Once you're past the newbie stage and your goal is muscle growth, partial reps have their place. . Why the Rule Was Created: Going through a full range of motion is most optimal for hypertrophy and...
  9. K

    12 weeks out pre contest cycle

    Hello guys im looking for the most effective pre contest cycle without gh, 12 weeks out . A little bit of bulking then cutting 20yrs 170cm 74kg 14% fat Target 75 - 80kg Thx in advance
  10. drtbear1967

    Inner chest separation.

    Magazines, Instagram posts and those charts at the gym are all guilty of showing you how to target your "inner" chest – that highly desired pec separation on your sternum that shows a distinct canyon separating the two pectoralis major muscles. Well, the people telling us this missed a few...
  11. Iron Game

    Treasure Your Chest With Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Arnold Schwarzenegger Take a good, hard look at your pecs, then use these tips to improve them. People always seem to mention my chest when discussing my bodybuilding physique. You might say it was my best bodypart. You could also say that I’m something of an authority on the subject...
  12. Iron Game

    Power and Muscle Building Intensity Techniques - Not For The Weak of Heart

    Power and Muscle Building Intensity Techniques Forced reps are great but these incredible techniques will open a whole new world of results for you!Intensity techniques are among the greatest weapons in your arsenal for building a truly astonishing physique. However they are not for everybody...
  13. Iron Game

    Targeting the Lower Abs - Science Shows How

    Targeting the Lower Abs - Science Shows How No area of the body gets more attention than the abs. Having a pronounced “six-pack” is widely considered the ultimate sign of peak physical condition; it is the centerpiece of your body. But as every gym rat knows, achieving an etched six-pack...
  14. Iron Game

    Sex hormones and immunity. Androgen's, Estrogen's, and The Immune Response

    It's really not quite correct to say androgens suppress or stimulate the immune system. It is a bit more complicated than that, not surprisingly. Here is Immunology 101 in a nutshell. The immune system has two "arms of attack": the cell mediated arm and the humoral arm. The cell mediated arm...
  15. Dean Destructo

    Are you a sissy?

    LOL Actually I meant, do you do sissy squats ? If you do, are they effective for the target muscle? Do you like them better than leg extension, standing leg extension?
  16. cloudstrife1218

    The overload principle - the one key that unlocks everything

    Progressive Overload - The key to gains The human body is involved in a constant process of adapting to stresses or lack of stresses placed upon it. When you stress the body in a manner it’s unaccustomed to (overload), the body will react by causing physiological changes (adaptation) to be able...
  17. HackTwat

    Back Training: How to Get the V-Taper

    <!-- article --><!-- articleinfo --> <!-- /articleinfo --><!-- -->How to get the V-taper Written by Joe Pitt Want a V-taper? To correctly train the back, you need to attack it from every angle and limit non-essential momentum, ensuring your elbows extend as far back as possible to recruit...