
  1. drtbear1967

    What does it mean to be a Bodybuilder

    by Matt Weik I’m taking a different approach to what the norm today is and I’d love for everyone to weigh in on my thoughts. Today, most consider a “bodybuilder” as a mass monster. Someone who competes on the competitive stage and has mounds of muscle on their frame. Many would say they are...
  2. Musclebeauty


    Info*i*found and good shit to know..... Time between DNP runs for recovery? I swear I've looked just about everywhere and can't find any info. It sounds like once it leaves your system after 5-7 days, you want to wait a few weeks for the thyroid to recover? I'm curous if there's a difference...
  3. Presser

    Amphetamines and Cocaine also Performance enhancing drugs used by athletes.

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(124, 112, 94); font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"> PEDs Not Just Steroid Hormones. </header> Anabolic Steroids–> Used by athletes to recover after workouts and prevent “microtears” in...
  4. drtbear1967

    BCAA Supplementation is it needed?

    theguerillachemist This recently published study is a meta analysis of all the literature(studies) about BCAA supplementation and protein synthesis. This paper uses not only oral supplementation, but intravenous supplementation of BCAA and the conclusion the researchers made will upset a lot of...
  5. Iron Game

    The effects of fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) administration on testicular function.

    The effects of fluoxymesterone administration on testicular function. PubMed Article Long term daily administration of fluoxymesterone (9alpha-fluoro-17alpha-methyl-11beta, 17beta-dihydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one) was associated with a modest suppression of sperm production and a profound...
  6. A

    Long term Tren use?

    So I have a dilemma. My wife REALLY likes the tren version of me. "More conversational, more engaged, more attentive, more emotional, more affectionate." These are some of the qualities she has noticed. I know it's probably fools gold, but does anyone have experience running low dose Tren long...
  7. Iron Game

    Creatine Use in Bodybuilding

    Bodybuilders have been flocking to the use creatine supplements for the past 15 years or so and it is no surprise. The reports, mostly anecdotal, of tremendous benefits from using creatine make it seem almost like a miracle potion. But is it? And, more importantly, does creatine have any harmful...
  8. Iron Game

    What Is Free Testosterone?

    Q: What is free testosterone and does Proviron increase free test levels? A: Well, let’s leave out the Proviron part as Proviron does not increase free testosterone. The “free concentration” of a drug is that amount which is dissolved in a given volume of the aqueous (water) part of the blood...
  9. Iron Game

    The Big Benefits of Cialis for Bodybuilding

    When a lot of guys think of a drug like Cialis, the first thing that comes to mind is trouble getting an erection. They probably think it’s some pill that is made for old men or guys with erectile dysfunction. This is probably a thought that would come to mind even quicker if they saw it...
  10. E

    Refrigerate or not: IGF-1 Lr3

    Is it OK to not refrigerate AS IGF-1 Lr3 for the short term - 30 days or less?
  11. T

    Long Term Low dose Deca and Test E

    Does anyone have some info about low dose long term use of test e and deca?
  12. M

    buggers in the gym

    I dont know where you guys live but here in kalifornia we have a lot of buggers in the gym. I am not talking about nose picking here. I am talking about buggers that are involved in buggery. This is an old British term being used here. :laugh: Are the any buggers in your gym openly flaunting...