test e

  1. M

    first test e cycle

    Hey guys super excited about this and will keep up to date as time goes by. Current stats are as follows Height:5'11 (without heels) Weight: 195 (just shredded up for my first show was 179, but some nice bulk back on) Gear: 500mg test E, pinning twice a week 250mg Monday and Thursday 12 weeks...
  2. T

    Doing first cycle ever need a few insights

    23 y/o, 6'2, 205lbs, ~15% BF and wanting to do a Test E cycle with IGF-1 oral drops (not sure if they do much) but need to get all my ducks in a row before going full on with anything. My buddy ran a few things about a year ago and he told me that Test E is good for starters. He also told me...
  3. S

    Test E,Tren A, Drol

    21 Years old 165lbs 5'10 Been cycling since 16 years old Planning on running a super mass cycle . Test E - 1000mg 1-8wks Tren A- 75mg eod 1-6wks Anadrol - 50,100,150,150,100,50 pct starting week 9, nolva - 40/30/20 . clomid - 100/50/50 HCG if must ; wks 1-8 .. 300-500iu e5d *IS THERE...
  4. S

    Drol & Test E

    Age:21 Lbs:163 Ht: 5'10 exp- been thru a couple viles, not full cycles . Been lifting for 3 years .. 2.5 yrs natty . I was going to run a cycle of drol - 50mg , 4weeks test e- 1000mg 8 weeks . Any suggestions ? :bber:
  5. M

    first time using anadrol

    I just started stacking anadrol 50 mg ed with my test e and deca. i take a-dex anti p and anti e on cycle. i also take milk thistle. is there any thing else i should take while using anadrol. and if i work out at 5 in the morning should i take it before i go to bed or does it even matter. any...
  6. Ox 51

    Test E Profile

    Testosterone Enanthate Testosterone Enanthate is probably the most commonly used form of testosterone by both athletes and bodybuilders alike. Although I don't have any hard statistics on this, Id be willing to bet that this form of testosterone is the most commonly used form of testosterone...
  7. S

    coming off masteron stacked with test

    so im officially done with my cycles of masteron and test. I did 20 ml of Masteron Prop and 10 ml of Test Enth...in a month and a half i gained a good 11 pounds...(only noticable side effects was a bit of acne on my shoulder n back) this is basically the first cycle ive ever done...my question...
  8. S

    masteron stacked with test

    im starting a cycle of masteron and test very soon. i have 20 ml of masteron prop (BD 100mgs/ml and Canada labs 250mgs/ml) and 10 ml of test enth (250 mgs/ml)....sry to bother u guys but im just wondering the best way to use these two. One of my first cycles so im guessing i would see a better...