
  1. D

    inject superdrol

    I read on here somewhere about super drol. I'm really thinking about injectable! It comes in 25 mg per ml. My thoughts are 1/2 an ml everyday. I have no idea as to length of time. I've red here that 3-4 weeks then gains stop. Has anyone used before? If so can you hook me up with some info?
  2. T

    Best MCT oil??

    I'm trying something suggested to help heal my split abs and it involves eating caloric dense foods that take up less volume in my stomach, and macadamia nut oil came up but finding it is hard esp in grocery stores. Whats the next best mct oil? I'm thinking coconut oil....unless someone knows...
  3. J

    First Tren cycle. Your thoughts?

    Planning my next cycle and have never ran Tren before so I thought I’d get some opinions on what I’m thinking about running. Wk1-3 30-50mg anadrol 100mg test e or c eod 50mg Tren A ed 100iu hcg ed starting around 7 Wk 4-10 Drop the drol keep the rest until cycle is complete open on...
  4. R

    Does my workout split seem gtg?

    Monday Wednesday Friday -back/traps/biceps tuesday Thursday Saturday - triceps/chest/ shoulder back - 9 sets bent row Traps-6 sets of barbell shrugs biceps. 5 sets of dumbbell curls 5 sets of barbell curls chest - 6. Sets decline bench press 6 sets of flat bench...
  5. drtbear1967

    2019 Mr O without Heath who will Step Up?

    by Matt Weik Following his loss to Shawn Rhoden at the 2018 Mr. Olympia, Phil Heath mentioned that he was once again needing to go under the knife to fix his hernia. This time, he announced that he needs time for his body to heal and doesn’t want to rush back on stage and not only risk doing...
  6. W

    Hiding syringe and needles filled with steroids in a drug free zone

    I'm thinking of hiding them in coat pockets inside jackets. Gotta be a good way to hide them. Any ideas ? Possesion is legal here in canada..I think I would just get kicked out.
  7. W

    Test,deca,eq,winny cycle...add tren or masterone ?

    Thinking 750 test 500 deca 500 eq run winstrol last 50 days at 100mg a day. Should I dare add tren or would masterone work better ? The goal is strength and size. - - - Updated - - - oh yea masterone would be every second day, or tren 100 ace 400mg a week. - - - Updated - - - masteron prop...
  8. drtbear1967

    Rob Bailey - Good Dude or D Bag?

    Ok, I am throwing this out to get everyone input. I have watched DLB's videos for years and have always liked her, but the more that I see of Rob in his latest videos I keep thinking he is just a loud mouth DBag. I maybe wrong and a part of me hopes that I am. I know they have a big following...
  9. drtbear1967

    Its All about the Grind.

    oo many people are sitting at the training buffet with hungry eyes and small stomachs. Their goals, commitment and effort don't match up. This is something we all go through. Case in point, every summer some high-school football player sends me this question: "My coach tells me that if I gain 50...
  10. D

    First Try on MC Igf 1! What to expect and How to use Correctly

    Hello everyone, It`s my very first thread here... After reading a load of reviews I decided to give MC igf 1 a shot. I just bough 2 1mg Bottles. Question time... 1)Is the MC igf 1 already reconstituted with Acedic Acid or does it come in powder form ? 2)If it is readily reconstituted, is it...
  11. L


    Sitting here going thru the channels and stopped on what I thought was the US Open. Instead, I see a gorilla in a tutu killing that green ball. I'm not a racist one bit, but please tell me what the hell is she thinking wearing the shit she wears. Plus she's playing her sister who is half her...
  12. Jumbo Shrimp

    Powerlifting, A sport for NERDS

    <header class="td-post-title" style="box-sizing: border-box;">Why Powerlifting Is a Sport for NerdsBy Daniel Braun - <time class="entry-date updated td-module-date" datetime="2018-03-09T11:41:16+00:00" style="box-sizing: border-box;">March 9, 2018</time> </header> Editors’ note: This article...
  13. 5

    Prolactin issue and Anti-P

    So I have never ran any anabolic or growth before in my life; trained naturally for 10+ years; recently I took a supplement Follidrone 2.0(epicathen) and Hi-Tech laxogenin; they are considered natural anabolics but have really dont nothing for me in terms of strength and body composition...
  14. drtbear1967

    Dislike you body less!!

    <header class="entry-header">Disliking Your Body a Little Less<time class="entry-time" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2018-07-09T12:48:40+00:00">July 9, 2018</time> by Nia Shanks </header> "Ugh, I hate my thighs.” “I hate seeing this flab on my stomach.” “I need to work out more because...
  15. blacktail


    Anyone look in the mirror and think they are just not growing? Thinking about getting a different mirror :D
  16. C

    Hi everyone

    Hi,after being curious on brewing for awhile i came across this great place some days ago,have been reading a couple brew-posts,and the more i read the more eager i get to make my own test e and primo e. I have already mailed landmarkchem as i found some good posts from one of those reps in...
  17. drtbear1967

    17 Mistakes that You Need to Avoid.

    17 Mistakes that You Need to Avoid!! 1. Lack of General Steroid Education: what you don't know can hurt you! You need to know what certain types of steroids do, how to stack and cycle for max results with minimum risks, injection procedures (you CAN kill yourself if you don't do this...
  18. L

    Advice with downtime from traveling

    Looking for some advice from the vets here. I'm already 4 weeks in on a Prop/NPP cycle with Var thrown in. Doing well and seeing gains. Pinning EOD and Var everyday. Now I will be working in Sus since I never tried it before and excited to see what it can do. Unfortunately I still cant get away...
  19. drtbear1967

    The Great Calorie Conundrum

    The Great Calorie Conundrum by Geoff Roberts Misconceptions are rampant in our society. With all of the different sources of “information” available today, it is far easier to stumble across bad information than it is good information. Misconceptions of...
  20. B

    Legalizing steroids

    I've been thinking a lot about this lately. With so many states putting marijuana on their ballots, it surprises me that we haven't done more to fight to get steroids back. What do you think the major pushbacks would be in a battle to legalize steroids? There will be people who will put up a...