
  1. M

    new to the site

    ' Just wanted to introduce myself here new to the site but old to the game. 36 yr old male getting back into shape used to hit it hard in the gym wanted to find a community that may be able to throw helpful advice towards a dude to cut weight and build muscle...!Meathead97
  2. M

    med lab anabolics?

    Anyone ever used this lab or heard of them? Been looking for a new legit domestic. They recently bumped their minimum up quite a bit so makes It a little more nerve racking to throw that out.
  3. M

    T3 while cruising?

    Going on my cruise of test e 250, was wondering if I could throw some t3 in there? Will also be using sarms and peps, igf etc
  4. freakinthegym

    cycle for a woman?

    Ok just getting some ideas about a nice cycle thoughts for women, ? Theres var, primo, igf , other peptides . Throw me some input . Thanks