
  1. D

    T3 to grow muscle tissue

    Never stops to amuse me that there are soo many people using t3 and barely a handful of them know how it works and why it is doing what it is doing and how their choices are in a majority of cases directly responsible for their complaints glycogen - a simple fix with a good carb up, this...
  2. Presser

    Why it’s necessary to CRUISE/DISCONTINUE a steroid cycle for optimal health!

    So, you have decided that you want to use steroids for muscular development beyond what nature intended. Good, me too! When I first began running gear I was a fairly lean 205 lbs at a height of 5'9″. I had put in serious work in hard training and adequate nutrition before the thought ever...
  3. Presser

    Bromocriptine to combat trenbolone related side effects.

    Bromocriptine to combat trenbolone related side effects. Bromo(2.5mgs/day) WILL take care of 99% of all Fina gyno sufferers. Thats my assessment. Oh, and drop the Vitex in the garbage. WORTHLESS. Fina is a VERY POWERFUL anti-glucocorticoid, so what exactly does it do to reduce endogeneous...
  4. Presser

    Cutting Steroid Winstrol, stacked with Clenbuterol, and Cytomel for Cutting fat

    Cutting Steroids - Winstrol, Clenbuterol, and CytomelAthletes who are looking to get lean, or "ripped", usually will incorporate winstrol, clenbuterol or cytomel into the schedule. Even though clenbuterol and cytomel are not anabolic steroids, because they are prescription drugs, and popular in...
  5. drtbear1967

    Control Leptin for Leaness

    Leptin – you’ve probably heard someone mention it at one time, but aren’t really sure what it is. I remember when I first heard a bodybuilding coach mention it, saying that managing leptin was crucial to keeping the metabolism humming. I had no clue what he was talking about, but it did intrigue...
  6. Presser

    Basic Steroid Cycles For Cutting or Bulking

    The term Steroid Cycles refers to the periodic use of anabolic/androgenic steroids (AAS), typically for muscle-building purposes. AAS are not medically approved to promote excessive muscle mass gains (bodybuilding) or improve athletic performance. Aside from early experimentation on athletes by...
  7. Vision

    HGH and T4... Let's talk about the very importance with using T4 Human growth hormone? Is it necessary..Hmmmm

    This read is for educational purposes, anything Vision states here is NOT medical advice, furthermore only add t/3/t4 if recent blood work indicates that it's necessary.. HGH and T4... Let's talk about the very importance with using T4 Human growth hormone? Is it necessary..Hmmmm Upon taking...
  8. Presser

    CARDARINE GW 501516 Effects and Actions In Bodybuilding

    Cardarine Basics: When it comes to performance enhancers, there are those that get the job done, and there are those that get the job done at cost. While sometimes, the balance between the both of them gets blurred, there is no doubt that a lot of individuals are consistently looking for...
  9. drtbear1967

    10 of the Dumbest diet myths

    The 10 Dumbest Diet Myths Here's what you need to know... Soy protein is practically useless in stimulating muscle protein synthesis. Dextoxifying your liver or "cleansing" your colon with coffee enemas is beyond stupid. Stop worrying about the growth hormone in milk. You can't starve cancer...
  10. drtbear1967

    How to burn stubborn body fat

    How to Burn Stubborn Body Fat Here's what you need to know... Targeting stubborn body fat and "spot reduction" are two different things. It's possible to get rid of stubborn body fat through diet, exercise, and supplementation. Subcutaneous fat is more stubborn than visceral fat and...
  11. drtbear1967

    Blood Work Basics

    Blood Work Basics These days, the Internet is flooded with information from reliable sources citing the ill health effects of bodybuilding drugs, and while the number of people who get regular bloodwork to diagnose potential issues is growing, there is still a substantial percentage of the...
  12. B

    Steroid Cycle MK-677

    I've been doing a little more studying on this compound, and although it makes me want to eat everything in sight, I think I may include it with my cycle instead of trying to save up for HGH. I've had some blood tests that showed my IGF-1 levels are quite low, once going below the lower limit...
  13. H

    Did PCT, Test is Low

    I came off all gear (test/tren) about 4 months ago, did PCT, I was fine. But I did notice not great libido on cycle, and much worse off cycle, to the point that it completely crashed for several weeks after PCT before coming back up a tiny bit. I lost about 4kg (90kg on cycle, 86kg now) which...
  14. drtbear1967

    Low Male Hormones: Hypogonadism in the Aging Adult Male

    Menopause has generated a large population of women who have excessive rates of bone fracture and CHD due to hypogonadism – low hormone levels. Andropause, which refers to sexual regression touches all men sooner or later over 40. The word appeared in the literature in 1952 and is defined at the...
  15. steriodmanufact

    About hgh:everything you want to know

    The friend that is using growth hormone HGH, can take a seat to the symptom, reference. 1. How to deal with bleeding at the injection site after injection of growth hormone?:wink: Answer: when the syringe is pulled out, only the skin at the eye of the needle goes out for blood, indicating that...
  16. Muscle mechanic

    Thyroid Hormones +hgh - if u not using T4, u wasting time

    So I snagged this from another board it's on many may be here?? But now it is. Enjoy!!! Only killed links, think I got them all. I posted this in hgh/IGF forum too, and also thought it would be useful here in this section. I am using t4 myself ATM with hgh!!! The whole title and author...
  17. Muscle mechanic

    Thyroid Hormones +hgh - if u not using T4, u wasting time

    So I snagged this from another board it's on many may be here?? But now it is. Enjoy!!! Left as original but killed links I hope. The whole title and author Thyroid Hormone + Growth Hormone – If You Aren’t Using T4 with Your GH, You’re Not Doing It Right July 23, 2006*By*Anthony Roberts...
  18. drtbear1967

    K cup Coffee with KSM66

    Matt Weik We all understand that coffee is the most consumed morning beverage by Americans. Most people can’t function before having their morning cup. However, most claim it’s the caffeine they need to get going whereas a new k-cup on the market is making you think about things from a...
  19. H

    High Blood Pressure

    My blood pressure was 120/80 ish mid July last year. When I was on just test it went to about 130/85 but then gradually kept increasing then stablised at around 140/85. Once off cycle and doing PCT, it was still a bit high, around 135/80. Now I am on some tri-test (400mg/ml) and tren...
  20. drtbear1967

    Thyroid Update Info.

    theguerillachemist Update: after 6 weeks at 100mcg/d, I had some blood work done to test my thyroid levels, including thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH). My TSH levels were NOT suppressed while taking GC-1, just like the research suggests. This is huge as it may be a viable option for competitors...