
  1. akn

    How to Use Human Growth Hormone (hGH) for Fat Loss

    Q:“How can I use GH for*fat loss? How about for mass gain, and what would be the differences if any in use?” A: The first consideration really in GH use for fat loss is dosage. Individual tolerance of GH can vary widely, but broadly speaking, most can use up to 14 IU total per week without...
  2. yellow snow

    IGF-1 Lr3 and insulin

    Anyone had luck using these two together and not getting fat? Any tips or trick out there on timing and useage...................thinking of trying it during a break would like to gain, then blast into winter. Thoughts
  3. Presser

    Female Clenbuterol Cycle Guide with Dosages.

    Female Clenbuterol Cycle Guide with Dosages, and timing chart lay out