
  1. Metal85

    Friends are currently trying to get their pro cards (will Update on this)

    So my Buddy that is 52 is looking great again this year will be coming in at 232lbs in NJ right now. I will update when I hear how it goes. His Wife was on stage today and the competition is no joke. Wishing them the best of luck! - - - Updated - - - Team U*
  2. blacktail

    ordered today!

    Place my order for prop today! Never done prop so I was thinking ED 75mg for 6 weeks along with rest E at 600 and deca at 400 for 16 weeks. Should have some good mass gains from that!
  3. Presser

    BEST OF LUCK TO "LEGAL JUICER" In His Contest Today!

    I just wanted to wish Legal Juicer member luck in his show this weekend / today. If anyone has any updates on his show post them up! Thanks
  4. 9

    Who Ya Got?!? Thompson vs Till

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> the fights are early today, around noon i wanna say
  5. Metal85

    New Shirt by MUSCLECHEMISTRY!!!!!!

    <a href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a> Badass shirt, great quality too! I just got this in the mail today, I am 198lbs today and it's an XL Love it! Thanks Presser!
  6. blacktail

    Tren well being affect

    On tren 75mg EOD now for 5 days and today I'm noticing a well being affect. Never heard of this with tren. Anyone else have this before?
  7. Presser

    Superbowl Sunday Is Here!!!! Eagles Beat The Patriots By 3 Points!

    So anyone wanna wager anything on The Super Bowl today? Lets do it! Anyone know the spread
  8. Presser

    New THOR Movie any good?

    Wife and I are taking the kids to see it today, so just curious if its any good or not,
  9. 9

    Conor McGregor yelling in Floyd Mayweather's face

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> man i'm glad this shit is over with today
  10. drtbear1967

    Omnadren - Profile

    Omnadren Overview and History of Omnadren Omnadren, for all intents and purposes, is an almost identical twin to the Sustanon product. Both are oil-based injectable solutions of Testosterone that contain a mixture (or ‘blend’) of 4 different variants of esterified Testosterone in a particular...
  11. nuknuk

    My 6 week transformation pics

    Ok, Its been years since I was back in the gym, so the before pics are from exactly 6 weeks ago to today. Weight 6 weeks ago was 215, today it was 213lbs.
  12. IronJulius

    TSO Dragon overRIDE review

    Got the product today and TSO communicated well as usual with him. I would actually start this today but I have 1 more shot of test/tren base left and my cycle is ending today so I will start this leg day within the next 2 days. Thank again TSO for allowing me to be of service It's not allowing...
  13. Iron Game

    The Last Real Bodybuilders

    by Anders JP Eskilsson In recent decades the IFBB has invented new divisions along with a society where new physical ideals are streaming daily through social media. One tribe is the root of it all; on tribe started it all, and one tribe will always be the backbone of the fitness industry...
  14. LMC-Caroline

    Someone in 2010 bought 2 pizzas with 10,000 bitcoins — which today would be worth $20 million

    Someone in 2010 bought 2 pizzas with 10,000 bitcoins — which today would be worth $20 million :surprised
  15. Iron Game

    Is this Real Stanozolo (Winstrol) l? Anabolics Q&A

    Anabolics Q&A - Is this Real Stanozolol? Q: I’ve enclosed an empty packaging sample of stanozolol from Sid Group. This is supposed to be an Australian veterinary company, but the product (Estanozolol) looks sketchy. There is a cartoon Kangaroo on the pouch. Can you tell me if this steroid is...
  16. PUMPED

    Not bad for 42

    Will post pics soon! 42 years old, 6'2" and as of today 287lbs with 32" waist!
  17. im62533

    G00D Damn Medical Vultures

    They got me for $607 today on MRI's. Damnit! But gotta do what you gotta do!