
  1. Jumbo Shrimp

    Dave Tate training after Westside

    Dave Tate of Elite FtS There's no question about how Dave Tate trained during his years at Westside: as hard as possible, to lift as much weight as possible. The training at Westside evolved over his period of time training there—and continues to constantly evolve—but was primarily built on...
  2. Jumbo Shrimp

    Dynamic Effort Work

    Afternoon guys. I thought I would start by posting some info about Dynamic and Max Effort work. As I train on a Conjugate based structure that is the most of what I will post about as far as training goes. Although I have trained a shit ton of different ways, I have found this to work the best...
  3. Iron Game

    To Shrug or Not To Shrug - Branch Warren

    Time to Shrug Off Shrugs? In all your DVDs and video clips that I’ve watched, I’ve never once seen you do any shrugs. Obviously, you aren’t lacking in trap development, so I was wondering if you do something else for traps, or if it just comes naturally from all your back and shoulder...
  4. drtbear1967

    Craziest Shit You have Seen in th Gym.

    Several years ago, I was training at a gym where this older Africa man trained. He was strong as a bull but when he trained he didn't count in English or count at all but made this sound that sounded like he was saying Fuckaone and then he would change it up and it sounded like he was saying...
  5. Iron Game

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth

    The Best Rep Range for Muscle Growth The “strength-endurance continuum” is a widely accepted concept in the field of exercise science. Simply stated, the theory asserts that training in different rep ranges elicits differential effects on muscular adaptations. From a practical...
  6. Iron Game

    Training At The End Of The Day or At The Beginning For Best Results

    If you do strength training because you want to build muscle, then working out early in the evening is a better time than in the morning. We’ve posted links to studies that have shown this at the bottom of the page. And if you combine strength training with cardio training, early evening...
  7. Iron Game

    How Many Times Per Week To Train For Strength

    As far as American sports scientist Brad Schoenfeld can tell from the literature, bodybuilders and fitness fanatics make more progression by training their muscle groups twice a week than if they only train each muscle group once a week. Schoenfeld writes about this in a meta-study that has...
  8. Iron Game

    Tom Platz - The Golden Eagle Interview

    Some of the men that had the greatest impact on bodybuilding never won a Mr. Olympia title. You all know Flex Wheeler, Kevin Levrone, and Shawn Ray – three of the best physiques the 1990’s produced and every bit as respected as Dorian and Ronnie. In the 1980’s, Rich Gaspari and Lee Labrada were...
  9. Iron Game

    Creatine Interacts With Myostatin

    We've been waiting for a myostatin blocker to come along for years now. Turns out we've had one this whole time! The chemical sports world waits with baited breath for the arrival of myostatin blockers: new muscle strengthening substances that sabotage the protein myostatin in muscle tissue...
  10. jimbosmith316

    The Birth Of World Gym

    Pretty cool history! I did not know most of this! Joe Gold, the owner and developer of Gold’s Gym had visions way back in the 60’s of having his own gym and in 1965 he built his dream gym, which became the Mecca Of Bodybuilding, we know it and we know it as Gold’s Gym. 1006 Pacific Street...
  11. jimbosmith316

    Bodybuilders Who Inspired Me by Dorian Yates 6-time Mr. Olympia

    Dorain is into so may other things nowadays.Very motivated guy! Early Inspirations and Influences A lot of guys have told me over the years that I inspired them with what I achieved as a bodybuilder and through the physique I had as Mr. Olympia, or that my Blood and Guts style of...
  12. Presser

    Biceps and Thiceps or Bi's and Thighs lol. Weird training day for sure

    So i just did biceps and thiceps in the same day. I started with my biceps, as i figured it would be much easier to pull the blood down to my quads(thiceps) after working my bis I have to tell you guys, im an old school routine kind of guy, train proper parts together consistantly but for...
  13. 9

    An inside look into Jake Matthews and Dan Kelly's first fights

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> always cool to me to hear these kinda stories, i never competed in mma just trained off and on for years. can't imagine what it's like to really get in there in front of...
  14. S

    IGF LR3 and MGF (Am I using too much MGF??)

    I'm running - GHRP2/CJC no Dac at 100 mcg 3x daily... I just got my first vial of MGF and IGF1-LR3 (I've used PEG MGF previously)... I only lift 3 times a week currently (Tues, Thurs, Friday) So I"m (obviously) only using the MGF and IGF LR3 on workout days... The reason for my post is...
  15. 9

    Hello All

    Hello everyone, happy to be here! My bro Mountain Man invited me over, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and learning as much as possible here. If you're into MMA/Combat Sports hopefully I'll have some posts you enjoy. I'm a combat sports fanatic and am always looking for and...