
  1. IdahoRally

    In regards to HCG shelf life

    So I've had a couple amps of GR's Pregnyl HCG in raw form in my fridge for about seven months now. I was curious as to whether or not they would be trash at this point. So I mixed up my normal ratio of 5cc BAC:5000iu HCG. It took about 50 units (500iu HCG) on the slin to adequately wet the test...
  2. A

    Lab test results before cycle

    Thyroid FunctionTSH 2.27 0.30 - 5.50mU/L Testosterone 17.4 8.4-28.7nmol/L (Roche - Electrochemiluminescence) I tried to google it and look up the chart posted by Presser in articles but I think this is in different units ,the problem is I wasn't able to look at the average test in my age...
  3. F

    Units to MCG?

    I have a lump in my stomach & I think I had a brain freeze today. 10 units is 100 mcg? So 5 is 50? & 20 is 200. Because I think I did that today...I hope so didn't waste it! Mine goes to 50 units in 5...