
  1. akn

    Vitamin D and Gonadal Function in Men: A Potential Inverse U-Shaped Association?

    Accumulating evidence from animal and human studies suggests that vitamin D, apart from its regulatory effects on musculoskeletal health, is involved in reproductive function in both genders. The basis of the interplay between vitamin D and reproduction lays on the presence of both vitamin D...
  2. Presser

    What would you like to see The MuscleChemistry Store Carry ??

    I am curious if certain things would sell here if we carried them, so you guys and girls could get much of your needs all in one place. I ask because premier-pharmaceuticals whos sarms andarine s4 and ostarine mk-2866 we carry, also have their own multivitamin line out. They sent me a couple...
  3. Iron Game

    Oral Health, What You Need To Know

    Your mouth, teeth, tongue, and gums provide clues to the health of your body. Many of these clues are related to nutritional deficiencies or hidden underlying problems. Some of these signs are frequently passed off as normal or missed. Recognizing these clues often give us the first hint related...
  4. Iron Game

    Three grams L-cysteine can soften a hangover---HAPPY NEW YEAES

    Three grams L-cysteine can soften a hangover If you drink more alcohol than is good for you, a supplement containing a couple of grams of L-cysteine might help reduce the inevitable hangover. We, the ignorant compilers of this free webzine, make this bold statement after reading a 1970s animal...
  5. 3J

    Macro/Micro nutrients explained.. must read!!

    THIS IS AN AMAZING READ.. GOTTA GIVE CREDIT TO DIABOLIC.... NUTRIENTS & WHERE TO FIND 'EM This thread is meant as a quick reference guide to explain briefly what nutrients are and the main sources of them. It isnt an in depth discussion about nutrients or any aspects of them, simply a...
  6. Iron Game

    Macronutrients and Micronutrients - Where to find them.

    NUTRIENTS & WHERE TO FIND 'EM This thread is meant as a quick reference guide to explain briefly what nutrients are and the main sources of them. It isnt an in depth discussion about nutrients or any aspects of them, simply a quick reference guide, handy for n00bs or for anyone wanting to...
  7. Presser

    Simple Effective PCT with HCG, Aromasin, Nolvadex and Vitamin e for 6 weeks

    How to use Nolvadex H.C.G. Aromasin and Vit.E to jumpstart your natural testosterone production, reducing estrogen rebound all while keeping the muscle gains made from previous steroid cycle or stack. Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E 1 40mgs/day 500iu/day 20mgs/day 1,000iu/day 2 30mgs/day...
  8. Iron Game

    Vitamin D levels and HGH

    by Kristina Fiore Vitamin D and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) are involved in a complex interplay that may have implications for growth hormone dosing, researchers found. In a review of the literature, patients with growth hormone deficiency who had higher vitamin D levels were more...
  9. akn

    The Evolution of Dietary Fat in Bodybuilding Nutrition – Part 2

    by Mike Arnold If you’re like most bodybuilders, you pride yourself on your nutritional expertise as it pertains to muscle growth and health. Yet, most of us fall short when it comes to understanding the full range of effects that conventional cooking oils/fats have on the body. In Part #1 of...
  10. BEASTZ6

    Bodybuilder OD's on Vitamin D

    Bodybuilder poisons himself with vitamin D Vitamin D3 should be at the top of every supplement-using athlete's shopping list. It’s the only vitamin that nutritionists agree on unanimously: we don't get enough of it in our diet. But of course you can take things too far as well, as the Brazilian...
  11. Presser

    What is Lipo-B12. B12 Injections with Choline, Inositol and Methionine. Vitamins

    Lipo-B is an injection of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are essential for your health and health of your liver. Your liver is the organ responsible for removing fat and toxins from your body, so if it is healthier, it will work better for you.Lipo-B injection ensures your body receives...