
  1. Presser

    Stock Issue & Pending Ligandrol Orders ....PLEASE READ

    A few of you are waiting on Your Legend 4033 / Ligandrol orders and we have run out of stock, and our store did NOT take it off the shelf automatically, and allowed you to purchase it. I havent recieved a response to email we sent you guys so I am posting it here! My sincerest apologies, and...
  2. Presser

    Stock Issue & Pending Ligandrol Orders ....PLEASE READ

    A few of you are waiting on Your Legend 4033 / Ligandrol orders and we have run out of stock, and our store did NOT take it off the shelf automatically, and allowed you to purchase it. I havent recieved a response to email we sent you guys so I am posting it here! My sincerest apologies, and...
  3. Presser

    Venom Official Movie Trailer

    I cant wait to see this! This is one of the rare movies that i am willing to pay for and watch at the theater! Tom Hardy is perfect for this <iframe width="1920" height="1080" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xLCn88bfW1o" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. ndirish53

    First Cyle IGF-1 lr3

    Been reading the stickys about IGF-1 Lr3 and it appears to be a year old. This is going to be my first cycle of IGF-1. Want to be sure getting this right. Planning on 30 mcg every day for about 7 weeks or until my 2 bottles run out. Wondering how long before work out should I wait to pin? I take...
  5. Iron Game

    MuscleChemistry Shirt on the way

    Just figured I would share my excitement. I can't wait to get my new MC shirt in. Drtbear worked hard getting these designed and ready. Thanks drtbear.
  6. nuknuk

    Just made an order for MC's IGF

    I always trusted this product, and cant wait to get back on it to get me back in the game.
  7. Presser

    damn how did I not know Klitchkop got beat

    So, I have always been a huge fan of the Klitchko brothers, especially Vladimer , and didnt even know he got beat like that! Good news I suppose is that they already have a contract for 2 more fights! Cant wait
  8. drtbear1967

    Obey the Mirror Rules

    Obey the Mirror Rules by John Romano It's an old-school rule that most people seem to have forgotten: If someone's going heavy, don't get between them and the mirror. The mirror is sacred. The heavier the weight, the more sacred it gets. Not for vanity's sake, but as a tool. For many lifts...
  9. 9

    UFC Singapore adds fights, Bisping won't wait for GSP

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tmx4u7p1YOo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. 3J

    3Js Black Friday Sale! 50% OFF!!

    3J's Nutrition Network Black Friday Special Aright guys, this is the time of the year where you get the most bang for your buck!! Let 3Js Nutrition Network help you get in the best shape of your life with personalized nutrition and training coaching from 3J himself! From Nov 21st to Nov...
  11. Mountain_Man


    Can't wait to get some - - - Updated - - - Pack screams come and get some
  12. jimbosmith316

    The Perfect Physique Official Trailer

    Should be a good watch! Can't wait! <iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ew2uoiqjqXo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Presser

    March 1st Always Means Spring To Me!

    I know it still gets cold as fuck all in March and sometimes snows still, but overall, I consider March 1st to be the start of spring, and with that said, i cant wait for the weather to break!
  14. Presser

    Netflix Original ""Making A Murder"' ...Anyone seen this yet??

    I have NOT watched it yet, so please no spoilers , but wife and I plan on watching it this evening if kids fall asleep early enough lmao. I keep reading great reviews on this show and cant wait to see it
  15. Presser

    Who's getting the UFC fight tonight?

    I can't wait!!! Anyone else getting it
  16. Presser

    O.M.G….Jose Aldo Backs Out of UFC 194 AGAIN!! OMG

  17. Presser

    How long was your wait to get Proton mail signup invite?

    Anyone who waited for a proton mail invite to register, how long did you wait? Ghostmail doesn't always load, and I'm not digging it now, so i am curious about the wait, i asked for an invite a week ago, also it says instant access if i donate, so maybe i will donate some dough to go towards...
  18. Presser

    Have a great weekend everyone! Im Out-a Here!

    Long ass day was today! Cant wait to go home and play with my kids, watch a good wholesome family movie, then hit the sack! Hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend! Peace Out Biatches
  19. Mountain_Man

    Omnadren 250mg real ones

    Can't wait to start
  20. Presser

    Hilary Clinton as Fake as You will Ever See her! Funny SHIT! She is a PHONY!

    Just go straight to the 3 minute mark and wait for her laugh at the 3:05 mark, she is so phony, its the worst laugh I've ever heard! YOU have to Hear this SHIT! Fucking Liberals Are PHONY! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eojvEordYnU" frameborder="0"...