

    Choco-Banana Protein Ice Cream

    Choco-Banana Protein Ice Cream This is a really simple protein powder recipe for very tasty high protein ice cream. It makes a great snack or dessert and definitely settles those chocolate and sweet cravings. Ingredients 1 medium banana, mashed 1 scoop chocolate protein powder.I like ON 100%...
  2. N


    As we prepare for the coming of summer and its warmer weather... You might be making your way to family barbecues, outings to the lake or beach, or any of the other enjoyable activities we usually take part in at this time of year. And with all of that enjoyment, it's even more crucial to take...
  3. Steroidify Rep

    💧 Free Bacteriostatic Water For All Peptides 💧

  4. jasonhill800

    Avoid These Diet Mistakes: Part 2

    Fitness advice from the “mainstream” is full of nonsense and misinformation. Here is part 2 of “Avoid These Diet Mistakes” to help you reach your goals. #11 You’re Overdoing It with Cheat Meals and Days This is the polar opposite of the preceding error from part 1 of this series and...
  5. J

    Gold top review and blood work done

    A customer had left this review on another board.... Thought I'd report back on the gold tops. Phenomenal! Normally running 4iu ed for the past month or two. Only noticeable side is numb fingers if it is cooler out. Water retention is minimal if any. Took 10iu and had HGH tested on latest...
  6. Presser

    IGF-1 lr3 Diluent suspension Guide

    Can I Use bacteriostatic water or sterile water for my Long R3 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 or Will It Degrade Peptide.Can you use Bacteriostatic or Sterile Water as a Diluent for your insuline-like growth factor-1 longR3 (IGF-1 Lr3)? Everything is relative when it comes to the answer or Yes and...
  7. Exo-Gen

    PT-141 explained by Exo

    PT-141 explained by Exo PT-141, also known as Bremelanotide, is a synthetic peptide that is used to treat sexual dysfunction in men and women PT-141 has a half-life of 2-8 hours, but the effects can last anywhere from 24-36 hours diminishing each hour once past half life . Trust me ! they most...
  8. jasonhill800

    How to Fuel Up Before a Workout

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/>...
  9. J

    We have bac water

    I know there is a shortage on bac water. No worries, King Labs has it!
  10. jasonhill800

    Napsgear: Stay Fit and Motivated Over the Holidays

    So you made it through thanksgiving. It's now mid-December, and we still have New Years, Christmas (or Kwanzaa, Yule, or other holidays you may celebrate), so your calendar is likely to be packed with family responsibilities, travel, and festive outings with a variety of delectable delights...
  11. B

    How do use MC's IGF-1 LR3

    Im trying to find some clear instructions on using the MC bottles of LR3. It came in liquid form, Do I need to add 2mg of bacteriostatic water? Im planning on using 1/2 inch Insulin needles and inject intramuscularly instead of subcutaneously. Help.
  12. B

    How to use MC's IGF-1 LR3

    Im trying to find some clear instructions on using the MC bottles of LR3. It came in liquid form, Do I need to add 2mg of bacteriostatic water? Im planning on using 1/2 inch Insulin needles and inject intramuscularly instead of subcutaneously.
  13. K

    Low dose homebrew help

    Hi, I have a question on how i can dose a 1g of alprostadil raw powder to be homebrewed or in other words dry mixed and give a concentration of 10mcg. This is going to be injected. I did some research and it seems the pharmaceutical drug 20mcg or 40mcg product contains: 172 mg of lactose, 47...
  14. A

    hello :) NEWBIE

    Hey, my name is Alexa I live in Scotland with my husband and my cat I am looking to start getting fit and healthy but also maybe have some mussels I am 4 "11 my body fat is 48.5% water 40.8% and my weight is 79.2kg :tread::dj:
  15. DefMetalLifter

    Home brew hardened into rock

    I brewed a few days ago; primo and masteron. Injected with zero PIP. Well the next day my masteron hardened into a rock. Yes every vial has a rock hard substance in it. I have been doing this for many years and never have seen this. I tried to run under hot water but didn’t melt it. Anyone seen...
  16. G

    The Risks of Dehydration

    <tbody> <tbody> <tbody class="kmTextBlockOuter"> <tbody> The Real Effects Of Dehydration 😔Whether you're a weekend warrior or a high school athlete, we all have one need in common: hydration. It's essential to understand the signs of dehydration and how to stay on the top of your game. Let's...
  17. N

    Hydration - Are You Doing It Right?

    Hydration is something that gets talked about a lot, especially in those who are interested in improving their health. When most people are talking about hydration or giving advice on hydration, you may often hear things like: “make sure you’re getting enough fluids”, or “make sure you drink...
  18. T

    Looking for a legit TNE recipe

    Can anyone share with me a test no Esther recipe. I found a bunch on here but I'm not sure which one is most effective. If you have water base and oil-based recipes I would like to look at both. Also if you could share numbers and not percentages. Thank you to whoever replies
  19. Steroidify Rep

    👊🏻 Mythbusters: Creatine causes cancer

    A few days ago a clinical trial was published stating that creatine causes cancer... Can this be true? Well, the truth is that it can’t, as stated by Dr. Richard Creider along with 29 other experts in a critique of this clinical trial. 👨🏼*🔬 Problems: ❕They used mice 🐁 in which cancerous...
  20. Steroidify Rep

    👊🏻 Mythbusters: Creatine causes cancer

    A few days ago a clinical trial was published stating that creatine causes cancer... Can this be true? Well, the truth is that it can’t, as stated by Dr. Richard Creider along with 29 other experts in a critique of this clinical trial. 👨🏼*🔬 Problems: ❕They used mice 🐁 in which cancerous...