
  1. drtbear1967

    Have good Dental Health.

    by Matt Weik Being in the fitness industry, we are always trying to either maintain or improve our physique. One area that is focused on heavily is our dental health. How many bodybuilders or fitness models do you see with stained teeth or dental health issues? Not many. Why is this important to...
  2. Musclebeauty

    Protein peanut butter balls

    Gotta try these if you love peanut butter as much as i do.... Prep Time:*10 minCook Time:*0 minReady in:*10 minYield:*24 1" ballsIngredients1 cup (256 grams) natural peanut butter (the kind with just peanuts and salt)1/4 cup (80 grams) honey or 1/4 cup brown rice syrup*for a vegan version2...
  3. Musclebeauty

    Creatine: The Must Have Supplement For Women

    Creatine? Yes, we’ve heard of it,*we’ve seen it, it’s a powder, its white, and guys take it to bulk, right? Thanks, I’ll pass. That’s probably the typical female reaction to this supplement, even for the mostdedicated gym rat. Why? Because the way it works is that, as it is explained to...
  4. Presser

    Electrolytes and Hydration In Bodybuilding. No More Pedialyte!

    Electrolytes and Hydration – 2 Factors that will Make or Break your Performance We all know that eating a diet with ample high-quality proteins, clean carbohydrates and healthy fats are absolutely essential to your performance and gains. So what is the missing link? Why does performance so...
  5. Presser

    Diuretics in Bodybuilding

    Diuretics in Bodybuilding: The Good, the Bad, the TragicAthletes preparing for bodybuilding competitions strive for the most muscular and hardest look they can possibly achieve. This involves several months, or years, of building muscle, followed by several weeks of a restricted diet and...
  6. Presser

    AnabolicSteroidForum.com Pre contest Preperation Steroid Cycle

    AnabolicSteroidForum.com Pre contest Preperation Steroid Cycle For Cutting The Last 12 weeks prior to stepping on stage TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE, TRENBOLONE ACETATE, Masteron & IGF 1 lr3 You can visit Oral and Injectable Steroid Guide for a more complete understanding of these anabolic...
  7. 5

    plain sterile water only good once after needle breaks through rubber seal?

    So I'm trying to get something straight; so I'm hearing with sterile water, once you use it, after a few days it isn't sterile anymore? For example I have 10 ml sterile water vials; so once I poke a needle through the rubber it isn't sterilewater anymore after 4-6 hours or so? And I'm talking...
  8. 5

    igf-lr3 in AA and Bac Water together

    I know that shooting with AA hurts like a bitch; is there a protocol where you can draw up the igf-lr3 with AA and then add bac water in to ease the pain. Mind you I never shot AA in my body, so I'm too pussy to shoot it directly in me since I heard it hurts more than a bee sting; and pain...
  9. drtbear1967

    Fat loss due to breathing?

    Contrary to common belief, you do not sweat or "poop out" most of your body fat. Based on the calculations of a 2014 research paper, 84% of the fat you lose is turned into carbon dioxide and leaves your body through your lungs by breathing [1]. - The remaining 16% becomes water, which can be...
  10. Presser

    Strength - Size - Anabolic Steroid Selection

    The large majority of my previous articles have focused on the needs of the steroid using BB’r and his/her unique goals, but there are plenty of other steroid using athletes out there whose goals do not reflect those of the typical BB’r. One frequently asked question that routinely applies to...
  11. S

    Reconstitution of MC IGF

    I noticed the MC IGF came pre diluted already. Do u guys shoot it straight or do u dilute with any bacteria static water before injecting? I know in the past, right before injecting, I always did 5 parts Water to 1 part IGF. Thanks!
  12. Muscle mechanic

    MC IGF

    MC IGF is my choice!! Tried IGF from other places that had the best they claim. It was no better and a mess to mix in ba water and use up before went bad. Used MC igf over year old keep in a fridge and it still was good.. lol!!! It's my choice and convenient!
  13. Presser

    Water Based Testosterone Suspension considerably more effective than methyltestosterone

    <header class="entry-header" style="margin: 0px 0px 1.25rem; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; font-family: "Open Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline...
  14. drtbear1967


    themusclephd ➕Tag a friend who loves to chase the pump!- &#55357;&#56633;Glycerol is a supplement that has great benefits for all athletes because it allows your body to hold onto intracellular water. This is water inside of the muscle. Holding water inside of your muscle not only allows for...
  15. drtbear1967

    H2O - Get it IN!!

    Most heart attacks occur in the morning... Monday morning. Part of it has to do with stress, mental and physiological. The first day of the week is also the first day of the work week, and a lot of men dread all the shit they're going to have to eat for the next 5 days. But there's more to the...
  16. Muscle mechanic

    How to make Bacteriostatic Water

    Heard there been a shortage according to search and topics on boards. So I will tell u guys how to make your own BA Water!!! I wrote this article before so it may be similar to another but I am re-writing just for u guys. Here is what is needed: - Benzyl Alcohol can be purchased at lab supply...
  17. drtbear1967

    How to make a Healthy Shake

    Make This Healthy Gainer Shake. Experienced lifters need to be in a caloric surplus to build muscle at an optimal rate, but that doesn't require thousands of extra calories over maintenance intake. It's body-building, not belly-building, remember? Roughly a few hundred calories over maintenance...
  18. Presser

    Hydronics H20 or Hyaluronic Acid

    AbstractSkin aging is a multifactorial process consisting of two distinct and independent mechanisms: intrinsic and extrinsic aging. Youthful skin retains its turgor, resilience and pliability, among others, due to its high content of water. Daily external injury, in addition to the normal...
  19. D

    Preferred drink

    What’s your favorite drink throughout the day? Gator aide Powerade sugar free regular water etc
  20. Presser

    Mass Building Steroids, how this fool put dianabol over anadrol is beyond me

    Man, I am trying to think back and remember if i was ever this nieve , or sound so foolish, as this is not my article, but after the first few lines reading, i thought what the fuck. How Dianabol is listed above anadrol is beyond me, and just goes to prove my point i have made over and over...