
  1. N

    top EQ and winstrol cycle plans

    35 years old and I’m in the prime of my bodybuilding and I would like to get more muscle and also cut down and get some shredding to my physique. looking to do a combo of equipoise and winstrol. I’ve done them both separately and I had pretty good results this time would like to combine them...
  2. Y

    happy cutting stack thoughts

    Whenever I cut down I get very grumpy and angry. Don’t want this to happen on my next cycle so looking for some tips. Gonna abandon the idea of tren, superdrol, anadrol, or halo. Those are my worst offenders lol. Want to stick to some better options. Which steroids would be best if I had to...
  3. N

    adding some winstrol + tren to current cycle

    currently doing testosterone only at 250 milligrams. I am on trt and my trt dose is about half of that so I decided to double up the dose to see what would happen. I’m looking to blast some winstrol and tren now. What dosages of each do you recommend? I would like to get some strength gains and...
  4. B

    testosterone and winstrol simple stack good?

    Wondering what you thought about doing a simple testosterone and Winstrol stack. My plan was doing 200 milligrams of testosterone then gradually increasing the dose by a hundred milligrams per week until I get up to a thousand milligrams after about eight weeks. Then I would run the wind stroll...
  5. C

    winstrol and testosterone stupid or smart?

    I’m in my late twenties and I’m five foot ten 198 pounds. I would like to get up to 210 or 215 pounds and still be lean. I’m currently around 12 or 13% body fat Would running winstrol and testosterone Be a smart idea or would it be stupid because they’re counterproductive to each other. What...
  6. yourmuscleshop


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  7. Yourrawmaterial

    Where to Buy Stanozolol (Winstrol) Powder Online

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  8. jimbosmith316

    Winstrol Cycle and Dosage

    Winstrol, also known as Stanozolol, is an anabolic steroid used for performance enhancement. Here are some general considerations regarding Winstrol dosage in a cycle, but it's important to emphasize that any use of steroids should be under strict medical supervision: 1. **Dosage Range**: The...
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  10. jimbosmith316

    History of Winstrol

    Winstrol, or stanozolol, is an anabolic steroid that has a history primarily in the field of medicine and sports. Here's a brief overview of the history of Winstrol: 1. **Development and Approval:** - Winstrol was developed by Winthrop Laboratories in the 1960s. - It was approved by the...
  11. Presser

    Testosterone No Ester

    Testosterone No Ester (TNE) Testosterone No Ester (TNE) is an anabolic steroid that has gained popularity among bodybuilders and athletes for its muscle-building properties. Here's a detailed look at what it is, how it works, and its application across different levels of bodybuilding expertise...
  12. Presser

    Trenbolone vs Parabolan

    Trenbolone vs Parabolan Trenbolone vs Parabolan in the world of performance-enhancing drugs is vast and varied, with numerous options for athletes and bodybuilders seeking to enhance their physical capabilities. Among these, Parabolan and Trenbolone (often referred to simply as "Tren") are two...
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  14. Matt88

    Purity Source labs 🦃Dirty Bird SALE "Dbol 10's and 25s" & "Stano 10s and 25s".. Save on your turkeys, items are just a FEW birds here, many feathers off!🦃

    SALE SALE SALE 10mg/25mg EP Dbol (5-STAR ) 10mg/25mg EP Stano (5-STAR ) 2 OF THE BEST ORAL FOR A BULKER OR PRE-WORKOUT or a CUTTER/BODY RECOMP 2 BEAST IN ONE TO ASSURE TO BRING OUT THAT INNER BEAST IN YOU. Just a few turkeys, so save your turkeys up and use them on these SALES! Just a few...
  15. yourmuscleshop

    Trimming Down – 8 Weeks Beginner Cutting Cycle

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  18. Vision

    Purity Source labs Just in NEW HPLC test results EP Euro-Pharmacies Anavar

    Just in NEW HPLC test results EP Euro-Pharmacies Anavar Oxandrolex 10 (Anavar) - 10mg/tab, 100 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies For direct store access click below Oxandrolone (Anavar) History: Anavar, first released by Searle Laboratories in 1964, was indicated in the treatment of a variety of...
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