
  1. Iron Game

    Testosterone-Induced Water Retention - How to Combat It

    Testosterone-Induced Water Retention - How to Combat It Team MD Connect the dots— a child’s game where a random-appearing collection of darkened circles on paper suddenly generates a favorite cartoon character or animal when the dots are connected by a pencil line in proper order. Innovation...
  2. J

    New guy from Italy

    Hello everybody, my name is Luca, i am 41 and sometimes in the past i used AAS, from 5 weeks i m in a cycle with primo and winstrol i need to loose fat, i was out from the jim for 5 years i have started also hgh 2 ui Twice a day and right diet and hard jim program. i have ordered now igf1 lr3...
  3. Iron Game

    Actual Custom Cycle Used To Turn Pro

    Actual Custom Cycle Used To Turn Pro In 2011 I was privileged to work with a top national level bodybuilder who I had known for about 3 years. He’s a very hard working dedicated bodybuilder with a steel will and tremendous determination. I admire his machine like eating habits and hard work...
  4. Iron Game

    What Kind of Gains to Expect on Halotestin Steroid Cycles?

    What Kind of Gains to Expect on Halotestin Steroid Cycles? Despite not being one of the most popular steroids among bodybuilders, Halotestin or also known as Halotest (Fluoxymesterone) is widely recognized for some of its properties that outclass many other popular AAS. In this...
  5. Iron Game

    Fake or Counterfeit AAS--

    How to Discover If a Steroid is Fake Steroids are known to come in different shapes, colors, forms and textures. It is precisely due to this fact that there are some real and fake steroids in the market. While this is the case, it is important to state that there are still some dealers who are...
  6. M

    preparing for bodybulding contest which is going to happen after 10 days

    hi... im on steriods cycle which is given below clen, stanazol, anavar(oxandorolone), winstrol, oxidane, hydroxycut, nitric oxide, tren a, maestron, tren h and primabolon.... my concern is that my stomach is still looks like bloating and i can feel my abs muscle but it is still not visible...
  7. Presser

    HALOTESTIN , Bodybuilders, Muscle Gains , and PCT Protocol

    Fluoxymesterone , Bodybuilders, Muscle Gains , and PCT Protocol Halotestin not exactly the first steroid that comes to mind when planning your next steroid cycle, from start to finish, and of course and most importantly planning your POST STEROID CYCLE option, and the best way to keep your hard...
  8. Vision

    Fat loss and AAS..Let's talk about! (Is there some real truth?)

    Let's talk about AAS and the values or fat loss! Over the years there's been massive debates, and of lately there's been some discussions in many of the panels in regards to AAS and fat loss..Some in the gear world populace are advocating that there's "no such thing", or AAS don't burn fat...
  9. drtbear1967

    Oral cycles only due to privacy issues.

    Q:“I want to know how to do an oral-only cycle. My issue is that I will be traveling and staying in close quarters with other people and I will not have the privacy needed to keep vials and needles with me. How can I get excellent results despite using no injectables?” A: That indeed is a very...
  10. Iron Game

    Taking d-bol, Anadrol, or Anavar for best results? By Iron-Game

    Q. Should I take my oral AAS (D-bol, Anadrol, or Anavar) with food or on an empty stomach? A. Oral Anabolic Steroid Hormons must be able to pass the stomach and liver to be of any use to us as bodybuilders / powerlifters. There are two common methods: 1) 17 alpha alkylation (17aa) is the...
  11. Iron Game

    Number One Steroids to Help Build Your Body

    Number One Steroids to Help Build Your Body Body building has become so common all over the world. When women want to loose a little more flesh and weight, men are going crazy trying to build up their bodies to gain more muscles. Many body builders, have taken up the intake of steroids to...
  12. J

    Winstrol and test cycle help

    I'm about to start a winstrol test cycle. I plan on taking 500mg of test a week for 10 weeks and 50mg of winstrol for 5 weeks then 2 weeks off and back on for the last 3 weeks. I just need to know what else I need to take during the cycle and what I need to take as my pct. thanks, jonathan
  13. Iron Game

    Safest AAS & PEDs For Women

    Safest AAS & PEDs For Women by Mike Arnold PED use among women has changed a lot over the last 15 years. What used to be a relatively simple undertaking involving consistent recommendations across the board has slowly evolved into a much more complicated process. Previously, pretty much the...
  14. C

    test and winstrol cycle questions

    26 5 foot 8 215# experienced lifter former college athlete this will be my first cycle since 2010 and want to stack test prop and winstrol and have read and researched a bunch but still do not know how i want to or should take it for a cutting cycle. i have been taking a testosterone booster...
  15. C

    test prop and minstrel cycle questions

    im 26 5 foot 8 215# experienced lifter former college athlete this will be my first cycle since 2010 and want to stack test prop and winstrol and have read and researched a bunch but still do not know how i want to or should take it for a cutting cycle. i have been taking a testosterone...
  16. Iron Game


    Written by William Llewellyn Masteron (drostanolone propionate) Description Masteron, the most recognized trade name for drostanolone propionate, is an injectable anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Here, the DHT backbone has been modified with a 2-methyl group to...
  17. Iron Game

    Wet And Dry Anabolic Steroids, What Is The Difference - By Iron-Game

    By Iron-Game Q: I see the term "wet" and "dry" steroids all over the place. What do they mean? A: Some anabolic steroids are known as wet while others are known as dry. The easy way to remember the difference is wet steroids cause the body to retain water. Dry anabolic steroids don't as a...