
  1. yellow snow

    Test for Trt crashed

    First time I have ever had product "crash" I know I have seen this before, but I can't seem to find what I am looking for using the search button. How you do deal with product that has crashed. I know you have to heat it, but was wondering if anyone has the specific details?
  2. C

    Anyone Stack LR3+Insulin

    Trying to bulk bulk bulk and wondering how well IGF-1 LR3 + Insulin Post working will help put on mass no experience with insulin so open to all opens.
  3. C

    IGF-1 Storage?

    Got some IGF-1 LR3 From here and wondering if it needs to be stored in the fridge... Or can I just keep it in a cool dark cabinet?
  4. H


    I did a blood test and prolactin was super high (almost double high end of the range). This may explain my recent eye inflammation (it said on the doctors report that eye issues or milk tits are a common consequence). My PT says to up the vitamin B3 (don’t get how this will help) or take...
  5. H

    Not ready for steroids / no need for goals?

    Today, I had to go to the hospital, as I had a cist in my eye causing inflamation, and now I have steroid eye drops to take over the next week. I'm on tren + test now. Last week, I experienced 2 days of wipe out (extreme tiredness, to the point that I was having breakfast, and dozed off in my...
  6. Metal85

    Anyone have experience with Ipamorelin?

    Wondering what kind of results people are seeing with this for fat loss, and sleep, and anything else.
  7. EkHatch

    Whey and creatine

    Does Whey and Creatine actually work? Is there any members on here who trained with no whey or creatine and then after a while moved onto taking whey and creatine and noticed an improvment? I'm just wondering as i've read loads recent and some people say not to waste money on supps at...
  8. George Cook

    What goes in your shake?

    For the morning its oats, two scoops of powder, milk and 4 eggs. After typing this im wondering if its a bad idea putting the whole egg in. Any advice on that would be appreciated.
  9. Metal85

    Percussion Massager & Does anyone have daily intercostal pain?

    Feels like I am playing whackamole here. So after 6+ years of chronic back pain, I got myself off prescribed pain meds cold turkey (although I don't recommend bc you could have a seizure without weaning off, Im stubborn) it took maybe 2-3 months off pain meds, countless massages, rolling my...
  10. D

    Anadrol preworkout

    Instead of using dbol has anyone used anadrol as a pre workout. I’m wondering how well it would work if used occasionally or for short periods than a normal cycle
  11. C

    How long did it take to feel good after starting TRT.

    Hey guys, as the title says, How long did it take for you to feel "normal" or good after starting TRT. I'm on 9 weeks and still feel like crap, can't lose weight, tired all the time and developed a small case of gyno even tho Estradiol is low. I'm in touch with TRT doc and we are in the...
  12. h8tr3d

    Photo journal section?

    Just wondering if there is still one, I'm trying to find some old pics. And hello MC!!! What's up pressed!!
  13. drtbear1967

    European Supplements

    So I know that a lot of the good supplements here in the states get banned, especially if they work. So I was wondering, since we have members all over the world, what supplements are you taking across the pond. Let's hear it people!!!
  14. H


    Has anyone tried Madol? i have a chance to pick some up and i'm wondering about what kind of sides i might see.
  15. MightyJohn

    GH & Carpel Tunnel

    So that past year, I have run GH...no problems, loving the results, all of the sudden 2 weeks ago started getting CTS BAD, actually lowered the dosage and came off for a week...now even the lowest dosage and it comes back....haven't changed anything else...wondering if anyone has any new...
  16. darkfall669

    Acne... Soolontra

    Ive been workin out and have been having issues with acne i did get a prescription for Soolontra and it started to really help. I can No longer get it thru my dermatologist for insurance reasons.. B.S. really.... anyway just wondering if there is another way to get it. it did really...
  17. Masher59

    Ball Size

    I have several buddies on gear and they say they haven't lost hardly any size to the family jewels at all. Mine went waaay down, I'm talking about unless I sit in a tub of hot water for quite a while there is no hanging at all. Mine are more like a skin bag that looks like a uniball. I guess...
  18. M

    Anyone tried 19nor-andro ?

    Primeval labs just released a product containing it, supposedly converts to nandrolone and was wondering if anyone had used it
  19. Presser

    True Story as GOD as My Witness......Mac Machine at WAWA money drawer wide open!

    So this morning before heading into work, i had to grab O.J. and Milk for the familia, so The ATM guy is in there with his big giant Canvas sachel full of money loading the ATM machine, and as im walking back to the counter with my stuff, I see that The Armed Gaurd who loaded the ATM machine had...
  20. P

    1st time user

    Hey guys any information greatly appreciated . So I just competed in my first physique contest on Sunday which I won , I now have 24 weeks until nationals and was looking down the route of igf1 for some help to make a few tweaks to put me in a better position for the finals . Just wondering if...