1000mg tren a week?

would like to know a little more about you(stats) and a pic would help. Would say the 1000mg Tren is on the high side.
yes 1gram of tren ace a week is way too much, not needed in any way shape or form!
I agree.. I think 400 mgs a week would be the sweet spot for 99% of guys. I no it would be for me. All I can say about 1000 mgs is heartatack..
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I agree.. I think 400 mgs a week would be the sweet spot for 99% of guys. I no it would be for me. All I can say about 1000 mgs ostensibly heartatack..

is this a real question ...lol !!!

1 gram of tren ace...thats to much for me...75mg 3 x a week is plenty for most guys
I think your liver or kidneys would fall out your asshole long before you went broke! lol
I have run 300mgs ED. It is highly effective at this dose but the benefit from 200mgs ED to 300mgs is not that much other than the calories you can consume and you sweat even more in the night. It is better IMO to stack the compound up with other compounds depending on the effect you are trying to achieve. 200mg EOD is a good place, good fat buring, good effect. The gains diminish qucikly from 300mg EOD and it would be better to pull in extra compounds. I prefare to run around 4 AAS at a time and adjust the ratios/dosages to suit my needs. For me 3g EW of gear is the upper limit of effective without GH, again the gains from 2.5 to 3gr are not that noticeable when soley AAS are used unless your using dryer compounds and throw in something much "wetter" then you can blow up a bit and look more swole.
Yeah that's one huge coughing episode for 4months at that or any amount.. Can't really see it being done . Nightsweats and no sleep on 100mg eod is shitty IMO
I dont get many sides of it other than night sweats at 200mg EOD + and even then that not soo bad. Only really suffer from heavy sweating when I walking eating meals when I on 200mg ED+ 600-800mg EW is ideal for me, some its more, some it's less.
I dont get many sides of it other than night sweats at 200mg EOD + and even then that not soo bad. Only really suffer from heavy sweating when I walking eating meals when I on 200mg ED+ 600-800mg EW is ideal for me, some its more, some it's less.

your tren must to be sake fake!!!
i cant handle even 300mg week..fucks sides,madd all the time..cant sleep..hot all the time..etc