1000mg tren a week?

Yeah I have never heard of 2-300 ED ever and I have been fortunate enough to train with several Pro BB's for the past 2 decades...and they come nowhere even close to that..Tren is undoubtedly one of the top AAS that you need to respect side effect wise.

I started receding hair at 100mgs EOD...night sweats, sleep and anxiety were very high even then.....

Plus I cannot imagine your liver being able to hold that much?? If anyone asked me about 1000mgs of tren, no matter what their experience I would say do not do it.
I have never heard of 2-300 ED ever and I have been fortunate enough
to train with several Pro BB's for the past 2 decades...and they come
nowhere even close to that..Tren is undoubtedly one of the top AAS
that you need to respect side effect wise.

I started receding
hair at 100mgs EOD...night sweats, sleep and anxiety were very high
even then.....

Plus I cannot imagine your liver being able to
hold that much?? If anyone asked me about 1000mgs of tren, no matter
what their experience I would say do not do it.

Doseis relevant to the persons ability to tolerate it however the sides are greatly over exaggerated by most. You don't just start from 0 to
1000mg you build it up. The bigger you want to be the more drugs you will have to utilize and that simply comes down to the individual how
much they can tolerate. People advise this and advise that but the reality is you have to use what you need to use to get the job done
and if that is 300mg ED when your pushing the upper limits then it is 300mg ED, the trick is to incorporate all your other "tools"
before banging singular compounds up. Bodybuilders are drug users and many of them lie so I would take that with a pinch of salt,
especially pro's they have their interests to think about and last thing they need is how much these fellas are sticking in themselves
because the reality is it is HUGE amounts.

Tren produces more drastic results at 300mg ED than it does at 200mg ED, 200mg ED does more than 100mg ED etc.. When the body cannot tolerate it then
becomes a negative, but if you can handle that amount at it works and your at that level then that is what you do. It is diminishing returns in regards to increasing doses, once you hit the optimal amount then after that the effect to amount taken return decreasesrapidly.

As for the comment of fake, far from it, I can justtolerate it, I can go as high as 400mg ED for short periods but thereare better ways for me to make those gains without running thatmuch.
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The pros take 1400mg of acetate ester.. it's all individual.. I know there are guys who can take 1000mg of REAL tren with normal side effects (not very very bad SE), and there are guys who can't take more than 500mg, always REAL tren)..
I ran tren for 7 weeks at 50mg eod, then 75mg then 100 eod and zero sides other than sweats and sleeping shitty but labs were normal except for sugar which has nothing to do with tren. My buddy on the other hand had to stop after a few weeks, bp was out of control and gyno issues. We had the same tren from the same pro bb'er.

I seriously can't imagine even fathoming 1g of tren a week, sounds scary.
Longer your on it, more you can handle. Tren the best steroid you can have in you, as long as you give it some help from test and throw in say some D.bol, Androl, EQ or a nandralone you will get steady solid growth. Some people say its just for prep... If you want to walk around looking good year round then this is going to do the job.
I know on say 3-400mgs per week, when I sweated my body had a very strange odor to it...

Plus I always tasted metal whenever I ran this...and I had terrible dreams as well...but yeah I did look good on it.

On 2000+ per week, I wonder how I would smell, probably horrific if I lived long enough to smell myself ;)
Most I ever did was 125mg EOD and that was too much. night sweats and sleep were horrible. Eventually after a few cycles got gyno and couldn't run it anymore. The stuff has got to be toxic and I would never suggest high doses.
Yeah that's one huge coughing episode for 4months at that or any amount.. Can't really see it being done . Nightsweats and no sleep on 100mg eod is shitty IMO

yep, you'll cough and have the flu for a long time with that dose...200mg EOD is about the max safely recommended, but even then i think you could get away with 150mg EOD