1000th Post!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Well it took exactly 6 years but Ive finally reached 1000! looking back I joined this site not intending to learn or share information because I was young and immature... As the years progressed here, so did my knowledge. Great place to be!!
I'm almost there myself! Finding this board definitely changed my life. MC is one of the factors that have helped my physique get this far.
Congrats on the Milestone.

Glad to see you still around brutha. This site has helped me through some rough spots in learning. I'm glad I joined thats for sure. The one great thing that sticks with me is that no matter who you are and what kind of fuck ups or illnesses you might be dealing with, eveyone here is allways supportive in one way or another in a positive way. Well congrats on that milestone. It takes a dedicated person to stick to something and be a part of it for so long. :thumbsup: