100mcgs MC IGF for 12 wks log

I like it bro. Tell me. I've been blasting n cruising AAS for years. Now I've added hgh. And igf from mc. Now I've been usin it sub q. Like hgh. What pin size do u use when pinning in lats, tris, chest. Etc? So also your goin IM. Today I tried 29g x1/2 slin pin. In delts. 25 each. Yesterday. (Day 1) I use it sub q. 40 total one pin. So what are you using? Ty. Great log. By the way. Wait til u add test. Which by the way I'm on test replacement therapy for life. So I always got additional test in me 200 a week up to 1500 a week on a blast such I as now. Plus
A mast
Ok did back today

Lat cable pull down
140lbs 6 sets 15reps
Hammer S machine low lat pulls
180lbs 6 sets 15 reps
Seated machine rows
140lbs 6 sets 15 reps
Hammer S machine hi lat pulls
180lbs 3 sets 15 reps
Smith machine shrugs
135lbs 6 sets 15reps
Smith machine curls
65lbs 2 sets 15 reps
75lbs 4 sets 15reps
barbell curls
75lbs 1 set 15reps
Hammer curls
40 lbs 6 sets 15reps
last and it hurt !
Bent over cable rows
6 sets 160lbs 12-15 reps stretch after every set
the pump was insane! Veins were popping out !
Shit i forgot to add machine preacher curls 6 sets 15 reps 100lbs I'm trying to switch it up , next week will be something different, last night I couldn't even hold my phone up to my ear, arm kept cramping! It's hard to sleep with your arms straight down lol
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I could never get into doing hammer curls, you think they help u a lot

I do hammer curls pretty much every arm workout. I do them by bringing the dumbbell across my body up to just under my chin. I like this better than the straight up and down version. It really hits the brachialis and top of forearm.
Delts tonight 50 \50
Hammer s machine
180lbs 6 sets 15 reps
Dumbell side raises
35lbs 6 sets 15 reps
Dumbbell front raises
35lbs 6 sets 15 reps
Rear Dumbell delts bent over
35lbs 5 sets 15 reps
Last and barely got through it
7 sets 20lbs 8 reps
Veins are starting to stand out more and the pumps are crazy
Started test in today
I do hammer curls pretty much every arm workout. I do them by bringing the dumbbell across my body up to just under my chin. I like this better than the straight up and down version. It really hits the brachialis and top of forearm.

yeah the few times i have done them, thats how i did them as well, i just never got into them though overall,
Legs today light weight high reps the pump was insane,! Might have cut 12wks shorter that way I can run higher dose lol
I did legs last night with light weights and high reps , 30 reps and higher, and I'm thinking about cutting 12 wks into 8 wks so I can run a higher dose igf , say like 200mcgs a day ! Lol
My leg work out the other day
Leg extsion
110lbs 6 sets 30reps
Lying leg curls
80lbs 6 sets 30reps
Leg press
200lbs 5 sets 30reps on bottom of rep hold for 2 sec
Hack machine
270lbs 4 sets 30reps
Siting leg curls
150lbs 3 sets 30reps
Last leg extsion
7 sets 110lbs 8-10 reps
Every rep is slow in all the sets
Lovin' this log Brutha!!! I really loved the jump from 100mcg to 200mcg!! Pumps are fucking insane!!!
added 500mgs EC enth and 200 cyp every 5days , got some super dmz might through them in there too. time to grow....
Wow I've seen quite a difference since my addition of 6 Iu hgh 3x2 ed. And I ramped up igf to 120. 60 am. 60 pre workout. Plus test e @ 1200 mg and mast e @ 1g and deca @ 750 mg. I'm growing Busting through my 6 month plateu. I feel great. Mc igf is the best I've used. And it stopped stinging in a couple days. I use both IM and sub q. Awsome stuff. I'm staying on as long as I can. 20 weeks I'd like. What you think? Too long? Or not.
Wow I've seen quite a difference since my addition of 6 Iu hgh 3x2 ed. And I ramped up igf to 120. 60 am. 60 pre workout. Plus test e @ 1200 mg and mast e @ 1g and deca @ 750 mg. I'm growing Busting through my 6 month plateu. I feel great. Mc igf is the best I've used. And it stopped stinging in a couple days. I use both IM and sub q. Awsome stuff. I'm staying on as long as I can. 20 weeks I'd like. What you think? Too long? Or not.

Thanks for sharing your experience with MC IGF

Ive posted this here many times but i started seeing my best gains from it at week 7, so I've stayed on it long term and still felt it, i know theres a lot of people saying you can't stay on long term, but i know lots of guys who have as well as myself and i think its works great the entire time, and I've used it for months on end!