100mcgs MC IGF for 12 wks log

Now I just need a tan! Lol

theirs nothing like a nice deep dark tan when ur in great shape, however i stopped tanning years ago, I'm naturally pretty dark for a white guy anyhow, so i stopped, I'm afraid of looking like a piece of leather when i get older!

My wife hasn't tanned in years either, she is the one who talked us into stopping that shit, she is Peurto Rican, and we all know how Spanish women age, Like Grapes not fine wine lmao!

Man I'm glad this post is buried two pages back in this thread lmao!!!!
theirs nothing like a nice deep dark tan when ur in great shape, however i stopped tanning years ago, I'm naturally pretty dark for a white guy anyhow, so i stopped, I'm afraid of looking like a piece of leather when i get older!

My wife hasn't tanned in years either, she is the one who talked us into stopping that shit, she is Peurto Rican, and we all know how Spanish women age, Like Grapes not fine wine lmao!

Man I'm glad this post is buried two pages back in this thread lmao!!!!

I hear since the long half life theres no need for bilateral injections... I do have this to ask, forgive me if u wrote it I didnt see it LMAO tired af atm... When do u injectied igf1?

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I hear since the long half life theres no need for bilateral injections... I do have this to ask, forgive me if u wrote it I didnt see it LMAO tired af atm... When do u injectied igf1?
My bad ur doing it pre w/o does IGF1 blunt MGF secretion?

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My bad ur doing it pre w/o does IGF1 blunt MGF secretion?
Mgf works by creating new stem cells, igf works by differentiating stem cells into myoblasts- new muscle cells
igf lr3 doesn't really matter when you inject it since its in your system for 20-30 hours anyways,, i do it uselly after ive had a lot of meals before my workout, but that's just me
Try it. Let us know. I personally love tren. Nothing IMO comes close. But I'd love to hear your thoughts. By the way. I tried 200 mcg of igf today. I'll stick with 120. 200 is a bit much for me. Just wanted to try.
Try it. Let us know. I personally love tren. Nothing IMO comes close. But I'd love to hear your thoughts. By the way. I tried 200 mcg of igf today. I'll stick with 120. 200 is a bit much for me. Just wanted to try.

hey bro, pm coming your way bro as i just got your last pm
@ what does for dien... I used topical @ 225mg ED it was decent, but not tren... Hmmm Dien/Ment/test/1-test (1-DHB) Possible a damn good combo.
Yeah ,I wonder if I could get away with eod?

So far up 3 pounds, test kick in , the pumps are nutz! Added 1 super dmz today
It's an aceate if I'm not mistaken but I read that it is unstable @ 100mg/ml but I have no idea why I have the link somewhere... I'd do it EOD bc ED ugh unless in a slin pin bc I already inject 4x ED w/ ghrps so NP but backloading oils tedious work I'm sure plus I heard u can only subq 0.5ml of oil but I've never do it. U using short ester test?
Did my igf different yesterday, 20/20mcgs in my tri ' s in morning then 30/30mcgs in pecs before working chest and I loved it! The pump was awesome , going to start splitting my dosage up morning and pre
I've been doing 100 mcgs preworkout for about three weeks now. The difference from 60 has been very noticeable.....vascualarity and pumps are getting ridiculous....lovin it.
I've been doing 100 mcgs preworkout for about three weeks now. The difference from 60 has been very noticeable.....vascualarity and pumps are getting ridiculous....lovin it.

yeah i would imagine thats a nice bump