16 months till comp, Opinions on my plan please


New member
hey guys ive a been a member on here before but i forgot my username/pass and email so i made a new account..

a bit of background info on me, ive been taking AAS for the past 5 years and consider myself pretty experienced with cycling and different thing regarding my usage. ive been training since i was a young teenager and built up to a very good level during my teen years, i never competed but comparing myself to other teens on the bodybuilding stage and IMO i had a real good shot, i was sitting on 95-97kg and anywhere between 9-11% bf if i had to guess. some things happened that forced me away from training and diet and i couldnt maintain my size for over 12 months, needless to say the whole time i couldnt train it killed me and i couldnt wait to get back into it, i have a sevre case of bigorexia lol and always see myself as being too small, the smallest i got to was about 77-78kg during my time off training.
ive been back into training for the past 18 months or so and have done a couple cycles in that time, and got back to a decent level, my last bulk i got to just over 103kg (holding water and a bit of fat) and then maintained in the mid 90's after that. it hasnt been untill recently that i have really gotten the bug again and re taught myself all of the fine tuning that i used to incorporate into my bodybuilding..
right now im coming to the end of a diet and weighing in just under 85kg with a little bit of water and about 6-7% bodyfat, i injured myself last week and had to take a week off and only just went back today and did a few light thing to see how i felt, all went well and had no pain at all which im very happy about.

now that my diet is coming to an end, and im beginning my bulk in a weeks time, ive got my goal set on a comp late next year and i want to make huge leaps and bounds in progress in the time i have.

this is where id like to see some opinions of the experienced guys on the board, because i have a few ideas and strategies on how i can go about making the most of my bulk.

for starters i dieted for nearly 3 months and was running .5ml test enan and 1ml tren ace EOD the entire diet, (didnt have test prop available at the time). im going into my bulk and considering im at such a low bodyweight im going to keep the AAS dosages low for a little while as i wont need much to grow atthis size once i up my cals, so what i have planned is this:

for the first month im going to run test prop and tren ace both at 350mg a week and ill also add in 200mg of deca for that extra boost, once i break 90kg im planning on upping the doses of all 3 compounds, to 700mg prop 700mg tren ace 600mg deca and adding 500mg of test enan into the mix, i also have dianabol which im going to add in just not 100% where i should yet.

right now what im thinking is for the second month ill run those doses and once i hit 95 i should then add the dbol to keep the gains coming, im just not sure if ill be adding it too soon, do you guys think i should wait till im heavier before i add in the dbol? the timing of the addition of the dianabol is pretty much the only thing im undecided on at the moment..

my goal is to atleast break 105kg which i have never done before but id really love to hit 110kg this bulk, in saying that i realise that id be aiming for a 25kg weight gain in this one cycle, and realising that im not sure if i should split it up a little.. for example should i initially bulk to 100 and then cruise for a while and then start bulking to break 110kg id really like your opinions on this.. i know i do have time on my side but i really want to get there ASAP as im sure all of you can relate to that feeling lol.

my diet will be perfect throughout so there will be no problem on the eating side of things, my weight can consistently keep going up id just like to hear if there are any other strategies to reach my goal that you guys could think of.

Thanks! Heracles.
hey bro, well i could help more i guess if i knew the conversion of kgs to pounds, so i know what kind of weight ur talking about gaining and such.

As for the chemicals, I think that your initial dose of propionate is a tad too low as I would recommend you do 150mg eod however i think your tren ace dose is fine.

As for the dianabol, I think it would suite you best if taken in the very beginnning to jump start your cycle maybe the first 2-3 weeks of the cycle.

As for your second phase of the cycle where you plan to raise ur doses, i think those doses are fine for the prop as well as the tren ace, if anything the tren ace is a high dose at 700mg a week in my opinion but not too bad. I would seriously consider dropping the deca and adding winstrol to the mix, or keep the deca and add the winny. If you opt to go this route I would run the winny at 100mg eod on the same days your taking the prop and tren ace.

As for competing at the end of NEXT year, well you should be able to make leaps and bounds in terms of adding muscle mass to your body in that amount of time. But again I would like to know your stats by way of pounds if you wouldnt mind.
hey bro, well i could help more i guess if i knew the conversion of kgs to pounds, so i know what kind of weight ur talking about gaining and such.

As for the chemicals, I think that your initial dose of propionate is a tad too low as I would recommend you do 150mg eod however i think your tren ace dose is fine.

As for the dianabol, I think it would suite you best if taken in the very beginnning to jump start your cycle maybe the first 2-3 weeks of the cycle.

As for your second phase of the cycle where you plan to raise ur doses, i think those doses are fine for the prop as well as the tren ace, if anything the tren ace is a high dose at 700mg a week in my opinion but not too bad. I would seriously consider dropping the deca and adding winstrol to the mix, or keep the deca and add the winny. If you opt to go this route I would run the winny at 100mg eod on the same days your taking the prop and tren ace.

As for competing at the end of NEXT year, well you should be able to make leaps and bounds in terms of adding muscle mass to your body in that amount of time. But again I would like to know your stats by way of pounds if you wouldnt mind.

I believe its like 2.2 kg per pound, now the thing I dont get is when peoples weight is measured in stone
hey, the conversion from kg to pound is 2.2 pound to kg, so at the moment im 84.8kg (186lb) in a months time i plan to be 90kg (198lb) etc. my goal of 110kg is 242 pounds, an im 5'9''.

the reason i didnt feel like adding dbol at the start was because, ill put on enough size from the low amount of gear that ill be running just from increasing my cals from roughly 2500 up to 4000 a day, i basically have my diet set out for the entire bulk so everytime i put on a couple kgs i will already have my new eating schedule to adapt to to keep the gains consistent.
i was thinking about upping the prop too bro for the initial regrowth phase but again i really want to keep the doses as low as possible so that when i do up them it will have a much bigger effect.
also bro is there any specific reason for adding winstrol to the mix? its one compound ive never used before mainly because of the fact that i dont see it as a bulking drug and if im dieting i feel like a low dose of test is plenty to maintain size (with the exception of prepping for a show ofcourse, then id throw more AAS in the plan).
the reason i want to have deca is because it really does work very well for me somehow it causes alot of growth and keeps me reasonably dry (in comparison to orals etc.)

ive also ran dbol a fair few times and have experimented on different ways of incorporating it into my cycles and to be honest, ive found that adding dbol mid cycle is the best thing to do to spark new growth. my last bulk i was about 6-7 weeks in and my weight had began to slow and strength was leveling out, i added dbol and all of a sudden it was as if i had started my cycle all over again, obviously the water weight makes the biggest difference but seeing ur numbers going up and strength increasing gives u a real mental boost to keep giving it 110%.

looking forward to hearing ur opinion on this press, and other experienced guys ofcourse!
thanks. Heracles
haha bro, im not quite there yet.. im only 186 atm at 6%, the heaviest ive been in about 225 but im going for 242 this year before i start dieting again. ive got alot of time to pack on the size in the next few years im only young so my best years are still ahead of me.

im planning on making a log on here for my bulk as i know how important it is to keep track of your progress to look back on in the future.. im so pumped for next week to get things rolling!
haha bro, im not quite there yet.. im only 186 atm at 6%, the heaviest ive been in about 225 but im going for 242 this year before i start dieting again. ive got alot of time to pack on the size in the next few years im only young so my best years are still ahead of me.

im planning on making a log on here for my bulk as i know how important it is to keep track of your progress to look back on in the future.. im so pumped for next week to get things rolling!

6% ???? I would love to see some pictures Brutha cause 6% is impressive and alot of guys barely make 6% for their shows
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6% ???? I would love to see some pictures Brutha cause 6% is impressive and slot of guys barely make 6% for their shows

YEah...I agree...post some pics man. In my profile pic I was 2% on a caliper and that is + or - up to 4%...so how did you get your 6% figure? Did you get to a tank and get dunked?
i didnt think 6% was so low? formernpc if thats the case with the calipers then i could be a couple % higher, i am holding a little water at the moment but im not too concerned about it, tbh my diet hasnt been a full on contest prep.. just 10 weeks of cardio 2 x a day eating 500-700 below maintenance and this is where i ended up. i actually looked alot better a couple weeks ago when i was between 86-87kg. since this was the first serious cut ive done i was basically just experimenting with high cardio and i burned out quickly.. my fatloss started leveling out at about week 7 ish and its just been wearing me out since. next time i wont do so much so early.. lesson learnt but its all good experience.
Cardin sounds too intense. I've had that problem of fat loss stopping. Refeed days work wonders. Have you incorporated those?
Cardin sounds too intense. I've had that problem of fat loss stopping. Refeed days work wonders. Have you incorporated those?

you should start a thread with info for the refeed days, I think that can help alot of ppl bro
you should start a thread with info for the refeed days, I think that can help alot of ppl bro

My refeed days have a tendency to turn into full on cheat days. Lol. So my thread would need a disclaimer 'useful for ectomorphs only'
nah man honestly i havent had much in the way of any cheat meals this whole diet, ive cheated 2 or 3 times but im really concious about what i eat even if im due for a cheat lol, one time i had a bowl of soup another time i had 2 pieces of toast with jam thats actually it over my 10 week diet.. ill have to make up for it this weekend before i start on my new bulking diet.
Sorry, not gonna happen..dont want to be a downer but thats the truth...your goals are too high too soon...
your looking at around 60lbs of fat free muscle mass in about a year...thats gonna take several years my friend..this game is a marathon, not a sprint...
im not a fuckin retard i know alot about this, my question wasnt if it was possible to 'put on 60 pounds of fat free mass in a year' i was asking for different experienced peoples opinions on the best way to maximise my results over the course of this next year.
to be quite honest, you shoulde be able to do a good 30 pounds in a year if you are on the right supplements, starting at your weight it wont take much to pack on some mass, i did my first cycle last year in august, just running anavar i put on 20 lbs in 2 months, that was at 50 mgs a day i think, I myself plan to get on stage next year and wish you the best of luck, gotta get my ass up to 230 so i gotta put on about 18 pounds myself
thanks bro, and yea you're right, 30 pounds of mass in a year is eeeeasy it could be done in a few months, im planning on packing as much weight on as possible while keeping it as lean as i can, i could without a doubt hit 110kg this year but obviously with some added fat and water.
the good thing for me is that i have muscle memory on my side so i will get back to a pretty good size pretty easily so im really excited to get back into this and make some serious improvements!
goodluck with your offseason too bro, hope u do well in your comp.