1992 Dorian Yates Guest posing !!! Great Vid


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I remember it like it was yesterday, he was my hero, stills been!!!! great guy as well. I was only like 22 years old ....lol
Cant say enough good about dorian BUT... His leg positionoing when he poses showing his back is awkward looking to say the least. He puts his leg straight back instead out and to the side and it looks awful,sorry but it does
Cant say enough good about dorian BUT... His leg positionoing when he poses showing his back is awkward looking to say the least. He puts his leg straight back instead out and to the side and it looks awful,sorry but it does

Actually, the way he does it is heel straight back (as per IFBB rules), with the knee of the bent leg further ahead than the knee of the straight leg, to emphasise the hamstring. And in order to balance that, the 'straight' leg is bent too, which also enhances its hamstring as well. The ones that put the leg to the side try to cover up the fact that they don't have enough mass to loog good straight back :)