1st cutter cycle suggestions


New member
Age: 22
Weight: 210+
Height: 6'1
background in muscle: martial arts student and b/b for the past 5 years or so.
A/S background: other than pro-hormones... I ran a cycle of Test-E and Deca for 10 weeks as a bulker.

Unfortunately I dont know my body fat % at this time.

Looking for a good recommended cutter for a 1st timer. Not looking to go broke on this either :P

Recommendations on a good cutter cycle?

I was looking at this recommended cycle....

Test Propionate 150 Every other day Week 1 - 10
Tren Acetate 100mg Every other day 1 - 10
Winny 50mg Everyday 6-10

I know this heavily depends on what I eat more than anything else.

anyone got any suggestions? Cut out the Winny? Thanks in advance
Winny is great for cutting it is rough on the joints but has much less sides than any other.
I personally love ECA stack 2 weeks on 2 weeks off along with Clen in between the off parts of ECA . I would do weeks 1/2/5/6/9/10 of 25mg Ephedrine with 200mg caffine and 100mg asprin 3 x daily and weeks 3/4/7/8/11/12 do 60 mcg of clen a day
This is his first cutter. If truth be known I would opt for anavar instead of winny. Another side is that winny turns your lipid profiles upside downand that is not a good thing for a lot of guys. Regardless, I think the winny 4 weeks is fine for a beginner. I think you have to remember that his goals and yours are very different.
I think a thermogenic would be a good add, however the guy mentions nothing about :
1. what will his diet look like?
2. Are there any anti-e's in the mix?
3. What does PCT look like?
You really have to ask those questions before you can offer advice. Just a some good tips to remember.
MMX2 said:
This is his first cutter. If truth be known I would opt for anavar instead of winny. Another side is that winny turns your lipid profiles upside downand that is not a good thing for a lot of guys. Regardless, I think the winny 4 weeks is fine for a beginner. I think you have to remember that his goals and yours are very different.
I think a thermogenic would be a good add, however the guy mentions nothing about :
1. what will his diet look like?
2. Are there any anti-e's in the mix?
3. What does PCT look like?
You really have to ask those questions before you can offer advice. Just a some good tips to remember.

thanks for the reply MMX2.
regarding those 3 questions, I was looking for some more info on it. I planned on going with no anti-e's in the mix and for PCT going with some Nolva that I have on hand for 6 weeks.
Diet wise I wa sthinking Looking at 2000 a day split up into 40/40/20, but many seem to think its not enough cal's for someone in training. Im open to suggestions, I am, in fact, here to learn :D
You'll get some different opinions on the calories. I think 2K is about right, you are in fact cutting. With you running 525mgs Test EW, I think you'll be okay with just nolva on hand, just in case. Tren, there are options if needed, but usually not needed for gyno.

I like you winny at 4 weeks, your doses look great. You're young, it's a moderate cycle, I think you'll be plenty fine with a pct of Nolva alone. Something like a 4 week taper down from 40mgs to 10mgs.

Looks good, hope you log your progress.

Getting back to the calories, you have time to tweak. If you find you're losing and just losing and can't keep any muscle on, then bump up the calories.
As far as the diet goes I would run 60/30/10 you don't need any carbs because your body cannot use them you only use approx 40 g of carbs during your workout all other carbs will turn to fat they serve not nutritional purpose in a cutting diet. Protein is the base and the EFA's protect the muscle from being burned other than that carbs would just turn to fat. Also as far as cardio goes don't go over 120bpm or else you will be burning into the muscle as well...
38532nd said:
Winny is great for cutting it is rough on the joints but has much less sides than any other.
I personally love ECA stack 2 weeks on 2 weeks off along with Clen in between the off parts of ECA . I would do weeks 1/2/5/6/9/10 of 25mg Ephedrine with 200mg caffine and 100mg asprin 3 x daily and weeks 3/4/7/8/11/12 do 60 mcg of clen a day
if i remember correctly doesnt clen and ephedra compete for a simliar receptor so its best to take time of from both? also i feel clen can be run a tad longer than 2 weeks say 4 or so but this is also contingent with his heart health etc..i am going to try and find that study about clen and ephedra...
38532nd said:
As far as the diet goes I would run 60/30/10 you don't need any carbs because your body cannot use them you only use approx 40 g of carbs during your workout all other carbs will turn to fat they serve not nutritional purpose in a cutting diet. Protein is the base and the EFA's protect the muscle from being burned other than that carbs would just turn to fat. Also as far as cardio goes don't go over 120bpm or else you will be burning into the muscle as well...

not to flame you, but that is absurd.

carbs do the same thing while dieting as they do while bulking...they spare protein and are used as a primary source of fuel.
Cutting them out completely or lowering them too much can certainly be a bad thing. Its can slow your metabolism to a halt and cause other problems (constipation anyone?). Although carb and calories reduction are necessary for cutting goals, carbs are still required.
After you get your PCT, diet, and anti e's figured out you CANT go wrong with this one.
Week 1-7 test prop 100mg/eod
Week 1-7 tren ace 100mg/eod
Week 2-7 winny 50mg ed
Some might say 6 weeks on the tren cause its so harsh, its your call.... I dont like EOD inject cycles, but this one is well worth it. Especially, if you can find a UG lab with a 100prop/100trenA combo, get some sterile oil to cut it with, use about .4ccs and it will cut on inject pain by about 50%. Good luck!
Dreww no prob I hear ya but I go with my info from some top competeing bodybuilders. Who are far more advanced than anyone you could ever name on here not flaming either just stating why I posted that info. Also as long as your essential fats are there the protein is protected.