1st cycle opinions

  • Thread starter Thread starter WeirdAl
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Getting ready for my first real cycle. I'll have 4800mg of test cyp, and 4000mg of deca. What would you guys do with that?

I was planning on just 400mg cyp and 400mg deca weekly for 10 weeks... But that would leave me with 4ml of extra cyp.

I can keep the amounts the same and go 12 weeks with the cyp, or go 400mg of cyp and 333mg of deca for 12 weeks. Or I could do something weird and go 480mg of cyp and 400 of deca for 10.

BTW, I will be bulking for this, and doing it under doctor supervision. Current stats are 5'9" ish, 205lbs, ~15% body fat (see my pics and judge for yourself), good natural base. My current test levels are way low. 31 years old. Planning my first bb competition on 8/9/2003, and will start cutting 4/20/2003.
You could go 1 week pased the deca with your test, since deca takes 3 weeks to clear your system and do clomid for 4 weeks instead of the usual 3.

frontload the cyp or run the cyp past the deca, might be better to have deca out of your system first than the cyp. kinda like a taper
Some good advise so far. I'm essentailly going to say the same thing.
I'd run the 400/400 like you planned for the 10 weeks. With the extra 4ml's of cyp,I'd shoot 1ml extra per week weeks 1+2...that will get levels up quicker,and I'd do the last 2ml's spread into week 11 to coincide with the self tapering of the deca.
i like deca dents idea better, but you would only have 2 ml's of cyp left over not 4.if you run them both at 400mgs per week. so go either with two week front load of cyp, or 2 weeks cyp past deca , or one week frontload with cyp and 1 week past deca
JohnnyB said:
You could go 1 week pased the deca with your test, since deca takes 3 weeks to clear your system and do clomid for 4 weeks instead of the usual 3.


I agree with J B
Ok so dr supervision means you are using human grade so no problems w/being underfilled and underdosed....do as decadent said...and you are competing the 9th is that greensboro the jr states...if so I will see you there I plan on winning this year!!
Thanks guys, sounds like a plan! Yeah, human grade. And yeah, mwc, that's my show. I'm planning on being a heavyweight novice - I have a lot of work ahead of me!
WeirdAl said:
Thanks guys, sounds like a plan! Yeah, human grade. And yeah, mwc, that's my show. I'm planning on being a heavyweight novice - I have a lot of work ahead of me!
Good luck Bro.

Greensboro is just a few hours south of me....I'll have to check that one out....as for the gear, fuck it man, just take it all in one big shot - yer muscles'll swell like that Valentino guy, which is pretty much the look I'm sure we're all aspiring for
YOu ought to come bigshug...I think a lot of the nc bros will be there I know al and I are competing...I am not sure if harvey is gonna make that show but I am sure zoom will be there and dp is sposed to be down here sometime around that time....
Ok, so here's the plan:

600 mg cyp weeks 1 - 2
400 mg cyp weeks 3 - 11
400 mg deca weeks 1-10
50 mg teslac ed weeks 1-14 (instead of arimidex)
nolva from the pharm. if I start seeing gyno signs
HCG or clomid post cycle to get back going

Continue eating like there's no tomorrow, but probably a little cleaner (less sugar)
since I'll be injecting 5ml the first 2 weeks, and 4ml after that, should I break it up into 2 shots? If so, all on one day? And would you go half and half cyp and deca, or one shot cyp and one shot deca?
. i'd inject 2.5ml mon and thrs splitting it up evenly between the cyp and deca. 1ml deca 1.5ml cyp, and after that keep up that same injection shecdule mon and thrs. again a steroid calculator will help show how blood levels will remain more constant with 2 injections even with long acting esters. we need a steroid calculator here
Are the levels really going to be an issue with cyp (same half life as ethan) and deca (20% longer from my reading)? I know levels suck on every other week injections (from experience). I'm certainly willing to do this, since I'll be doing 2 shots anyway, but just want to know for sure.
i'll try and remember where the hell the steroid calculator is and post a link. yes it will differ and the steroid calculator will show you the difference in numbers
I'd definately do twice weekly injections and mix the two in the same shot. That way you can rotate sites glutes/quads and only hit each one every other week. I do not think you'll have to worry about gyno while taking teslac. You most likely won't need to run the teslac for the first week, but that's no big deal. Also Al, have you considered running Winstrol at the end of the cycle? It will cut you up nicely, although I'm sure you could do it with exercise and diet as you have proven in the past.
Good luck Bro!
Also, remember that you will not end up having the exact amount of juice to shoot, as you will always lose a little from what is left in the rig, so you will actually have a self-taper built into the beginning or the end, however you plan it. Not very much, but maybe 1cc or so.
Keep us posted on the date of the competition. If I can, maybe a trip there would be fun, get to meet some Peeps from the board and such. I'll be a month or two past my next cycle by then.
WeirdAl said:
Ok, so here's the plan:

600 mg cyp weeks 1 - 2
400 mg cyp weeks 3 - 11
400 mg deca weeks 1-10
50 mg teslac ed weeks 1-14 (instead of arimidex)
nolva from the pharm. if I start seeing gyno signs
HCG or clomid post cycle to get back going

Continue eating like there's no tomorrow, but probably a little cleaner (less sugar)
I like it.

Thanks guys, twice weekly it is, and I'll mix the shots! And on the winstrol, I'll probably do that on my next cycle, which will be a cutter! I need to go post something in the competition forum just to make sure my thinking is right for when to bulk and cut for my competition. It'd be great if you could come down for the comp!