2 1/2 weeks out pics

I believe your show is one week before mine. My date is April 5th. Let me know how these last couple weeks go for you. You look like you're almost ready. Good luck.
i go by the mirror have no idea what my b-fat is. I don't really care much on stats. no measurements except arms was 17.8
Abs, i got some too just not exactly sure where they are. You look good bro. Good luck.
looking good man nice quad from what I can see of it in one pic and you are fuggin vascular as hell it only gets better from here...and if I were you I would stay away from diuretics...but that is my 2 cent
funny thing, Every friend that i had that havent seen me in a while , thinks i am taking tons of juice. I laugh my ass off, because i am taking very little, i learned oned thing nutrition and timin is most important. I will post more pics soon, today was my last leg work out till show, fewww finally. Anyway my legs got skinnieer, but more cut, i don't know if thats good or bad, but looks weird on 6'0 frame.
its good bro! im sure they lost inches but look twice as big when flexed and shredded!good luck