2 Years and Still Going Strong at 42


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Exactly 2 years ago yesterday, I decided to get my old ass back in the shape I was 6 years ago. I had neck surgery about 4 1/2 years ago and it just seemed like I'd never be consistent about workin out again.

Sometimes all you need is the right motivation!! A huge disgust of what was staring back at me in the mirror and some TRT!!!

The second pic is my Before pic, 1 year mark and 1 1/2 year mark. The first pic was Yesteday.

I attribute my current leaner state to Masteron and MC IGF!!!!!!


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Try to get more veins to pop out next time you freak lol. Not to shabbby for 42 my friend awesome. I just checked the mail box and low and behold to my surprise I recieved my MD products much sooner than expected and wil be starting my own TRT very soon. I did the bulk igf 2 nights ago as well. Hey austin what dose igf do you feel worked best for you? In cycle, pre, post or all 3? Thanks brotha. I have 6 from MC and 8 from MD.
I started at 80 pre workout applying 40mcg on each side or muscle to be worked. It works well. I now apply 80mcg when I wake up and 120mcg pre workout (60mcg each side)

Love MC IGF!!!!!
Your work has payed off. There is nothing better than self motivation, determination, and as I like to say, a little help from our friends (in a vial). Press on young man..
Looking good bro! I'm about to turn 41 and have been back to lifting full time for about 1 1/2years after taking about 4 years off.
I was the same, I had become disgusted with how I looked and recently got put on trt. Life is good now and I am in the best shape I have ever been in.
Exactly 2 years ago yesterday, I decided to get my old ass back in the shape I was 6 years ago. I had neck surgery about 4 1/2 years ago and it just seemed like I'd never be consistent about workin out again.

Sometimes all you need is the right motivation!! A huge disgust of what was staring back at me in the mirror and some TRT!!!

The second pic is my Before pic, 1 year mark and 1 1/2 year mark. The first pic was Yesteday.

I attribute my current leaner state to Masteron and MC IGF!!!!!!

Your looking Jacked bro! Especially for only 2 years back at it. Good ol muscle memory. Lovin the vascularity in the shoulders! Keep putting in that work!
Gettin better everyday!!! MC IGF!!!! Its the Shit!! Come 6 more months and I'm adding a little HGH.... ;)
2 things 1. I'm 26 I hope I can look good @ 42! Damn most guys @ 42 look like 82 LMAO BBing + alil supplementing fountain of youth! 2. Masher has a better 'chest' going based off avis LMAO
2 things 1. I'm 26 I hope I can look good @ 42! Damn most guys @ 42 look like 82 LMAO BBing + alil supplementing fountain of youth! 2. Masher has a better 'chest' going based off avis LMAO
2 things 1. I'm 26 I hope I can look good @ 42! Damn most guys @ 42 look like 82 LMAO BBing + alil supplementing fountain of youth! 2. Masher has a better 'chest' going based off avis LMAO

LOL he's going to post my pics up shortly since I can't get em to upload.