2010 IFBB Tampa Bay Pro

Hey bro...I gotta give it up to ya...You have alot of heart...Im glad your competing and not giving up..Hey, if you love the sport then compete and just do your best...No matter what the placing is...:show:

Thanks Chris, it pays my bills, i enjoy it very much (much of the times) i get lots of business just for being an active Pro, ranked 92nd in the world, is the way i meet you guys and get more friends , business and sponsorship, and one day i will reach the level required to shut up the fucking mouth of some people and i will enjoy more, not because i doing it for that reason, it will be very nice though, but i will make more money and my new sponsor will raise my monthly installment as well, and i will have a bigger smile than i have right now knowing i am in back in track and George will get me there really fast.

Chris, are you doing the nationals??? i am bringing my friend Roger Ferrer, he won the Jr Nationals and The Jr USA and i am training him for the NATIONALS and i am going with him so it would be nice to meet all you guys there, even the ones that likes to talk just to be friends and forget the bad.
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