2010 Phil Health Mr.Olympia routine


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
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Phil should have won in my OP. Yes Jay is bigger, but bigger doen't mean better. Phil was so on last nite. He looked WAY better than Jay did. I know there are alot of Jay lovers on here, but that's just how it is.
But in the IFBB its not always the best bodybuilder winning the show...thats the reality of bodybuilding...yes, Phil was better last night and I agree with ya on that one..but you have to knock the champion out of his chair to win ....and IMO he didnt do that last night...He looked great, had killer shape, detail, ect, ect...but the only person who couldve done the Coleman like effect (of 2003) wouldve been Kai Greene...But he was waaaaay off form (for him, but hell I'll take that look anyday) ...Phil will get his chance at the Mr.O, maybe not next year, but when Jay is out of this sport...He will get his chance to take it over...(along with Kai, Victor, Wolf, ect)
Have to say im a massive Jay fan, he has inspired me a lot, but im also a big Phil fan too. I havent seen Jays routine posted like this one, but i have to say Phil looks damn sharp in this video. Good god what wouldnt i do just to look that good man!

Anyone fancy posting a similar video of Jays routine, still not sure how to do this yet. Will give it a go in a second though