281lbs today !!!! Finally !!!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Well with the new super supplements i got, this the past couple weeks. Im up to 281lbs now. Just a couple weeks ago, I was at 274lbs, and finally something kicked in this week, and Booom !!! my weight goes up, just out of nowhere.... Im pretty happy, I look way fuller, and even more vascular. This is really the first time, I broke the 280lb mark. I got up there at the end of Augs. Then gave my body a quck break in sept. My weight dropped to 272-274lbs, and now this past month with the new supplements im back up to 280-281lbs...I would love to keep gaining, and break 285lbs or even 290lbs, but I think Ill have to start my diet for the march show here in a month to 6 weeks. Anyway I just wanted to share the good news...
That's awesome Chris. How are you feeling at that weight? You look pretty lean especially at such a high weight
Congrats Chris.. You are now even a bigger SOB !!!! LOL

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thanks guys...its coming together for next year. I hope it all plays out correctly
What is the most you have ever weighed?? Congrats btw!!

well I once got up to over 287lbs in 2003...I was huge, but not very lean, or looked like a bodybuilder. I look much better now at 275-280lbs now, then back then. I have about maybe a good month to get any heavier. I doubt I really do, cause I feel kinda bloated even now. So my starting prep weight will be about 275-280lbs ....
well I once got up to over 287lbs in 2003...I was huge, but not very lean, or looked like a bodybuilder. I look much better now at 275-280lbs now, then back then. I have about maybe a good month to get any heavier. I doubt I really do, cause I feel kinda bloated even now. So my starting prep weight will be about 275-280lbs ....

Awesome Chris, very happy for you, those are some huge numbers!! Do you have a show you are aiming for right now as well?? Sorry if I missed it, have been super busy the past 2 weeks :)
Awesome Chris, very happy for you, those are some huge numbers!! Do you have a show you are aiming for right now as well?? Sorry if I missed it, have been super busy the past 2 weeks :)

yes I do, im planning on the st.louis pro/am on march 16th or my state show (iowa/midwest championships) on the second week of april. Then after that I plan on doing jr.nationals in june (about 12 weeks after st.loius show, or 9 weeks after iowa show)
yes I do, im planning on the st.louis pro/am on march 16th or my state show (iowa/midwest championships) on the second week of april. Then after that I plan on doing jr.nationals in june (about 12 weeks after st.loius show, or 9 weeks after iowa show)

Thats great, I honestly am looking forward to seeing you with a little more muscle! You always come in so damn crisp, so if you can continue that and just add a few more pounds of muscle since your last show i think you'll look UNBELIEVABLE!

I know we spoke of this and Im pretty sure u said you will have added a good 8-10 pounds of solid muscle, so again i really look forward to seeing your new show shape!
Congrats on the weight gain! I hope you decide on the St. Louis show bro! That's close to home so me and the wifey can come cheer ya on!
thanks guys..im looking forward to getting back to shape again...eating all the damn time gets old...
Chris wat weight do you thick you will come in at your next show.. 235- 240 ?

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