2nd time


New member
Stats 25, 205lbs, 5'8

1-10weeks Test cyp 500mg
1-10weeks Deca 400mg
1-16weeks Dbol @30mg ED

Question is I have Equipose 300mg and 250mg How should I incorporate it?
i would cut your deca in half and then do 300mg of eq so ur doing 200 deca and 300 eq, they work well together
Ide run either deca or EQ, you can run both but I personally would run them seperate, unless you just got it sittin around sumwhere and need to get rid of it. The test looks good, deca looks good, the EQ needs to be run atleast 400mg a week and atleast 12 weeks, it takes awhile to kick in. And I dont think its nessary to take dbol for 16 weeks, most take it for 4-6 weeks. Ide go 4 or 5 weeks 30-40mgs ED
two very smart replies. I agree with Press no drop your Deca and run the EQ, I love EQ and I think you'll get better quality muscle gains with it. Why run DBol for so long??? I would just use it to kick start things and then your other compounds will kick in and you won't need it and your liver will thank you
Sounds good. true about the dbol. I have run the Deca before so I guess that I will try the EQ and see how that treats me, I will do

EQ-300 a week
Test 500 a week
Dbol- 40mg ED for 5 weeks
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bigworm6 said:
ide still bump the EQ to atleast 400mg, maybe someone whos exsperienced with EQ can tell you what they prefer

id recommend this too, eq is alot weaker than deca IMHO.

if the user has never done EQ, try it out. Personally from experience, I think eq is worthless and deca is golden, but others say the opposite
d bol 16 weeks is crazy, make sure you keep that liver in check, plenty of water and milk thistle.
ok well through some more reading around I have revamped, I have started this...and I must say pushing the EQ in is not an easy task. Feels like I am trying to fit a brick through a straw.

Deca-200mg a week
EQ-300mg a week
Test cyp- 500mg a week
Dbol- 40mg ED for 5 weeks
that looks good to me bud...you would even up the test a little if you wanted to. I like a little more, but that cycle looks like it will work well for you.
it's not uncommon for people to use 750mg - 1 G of test in more advanced cycles, personally I don't think anyone needs that much unless they already weigh in over 250lbs. and have done MANY cycles. I've used EQ in almost every cycle I've ever done and I love it, I think the cycle you have outlined is good the way it is and since you're still new to the game you're going to have VERY good results with it. Remember diet is key so make sure you have your diet in check and dialed in so that it's perfect before you even start
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that the most important one is testosterone. Everything else can take a back seat to it. lol. (except for tren...god bless progesterone induced gyno. lol) However, Deca/EQ are both good additions to the cycle. I like the plan you laid out. Just keep it simple and focus on diet/workouts.
Hell yea EATEATEATEATEATEAT & LIFTLIFTLIFTLIFTLIFT! IT's the 2nd week and I feel better in the gym. At the end of this I am going to do a lift at my gym that is going on now...Its 100lbs for 100 reps, so far the highest reps is 155. I need to smash that with 200 reps
Is that like ultra high volume? lol. Bro, what are you trying to accomplish with such workouts? I know different strokes for different folks, but that's just insane unless you're practicing for the guiness book of world records for most reps of 100lbs. haha. Seriously though, with that kind of workout you would probably have a difficult time making significant strength gains...endurance yes, but pure strength no. I guess it's important to know what your main goals are for this cycle and your training/diet routine.
I would go for fairly low volume rest pause workout with plenty of rest in between. Check out the DC training thread. It would be a good program to follow. It's a little bit complicated at first, but once you get it down the principles are very simple and people have made awesome progress on it.