I mean I could break this down again but no matter how you slice it, you are SAVING MONEY! It’s a win win no brainer.

We all want a promo, this IS THE PROMO! EXO doesn’t do the 40% of sales, we all know what that means.

His pricing is already the MOST COMPETITIVE around, then you add this promo = YOU WIN!

List: [email protected]

EXO-GEN [emoji626]

Anyone new to EXO get 2 FREE TEST with first order. Grab a list: [email protected]
Here is my question, if you can use this 3x in your order, why wouldn’t you?

If you Buy 3 TREN, you get 1 FREE!

That’s a $45 savings!

Ok now let’s say you want come EXO-CUTS, and you get 1 FREE!

That’s a $57 savings!

Now you are like, let me grab some DHB and get 1 FREE!

That’s a $48 savings!

Do the math. You just picked up 9 vials + got 3 FREE and saved $150!!!!

What you waiting for? This is too good to be true, BUT, ITS TRUE!

List: [email protected]

EXO-GEN [emoji626]

Anyone new to EXO get 2 FREE TEST with first order. Grab a list: [email protected]
Buy 3 get 1 FREE!
[emoji91]Can be used 3x per order
[emoji91]No mix & match

*No GH, GW, MK, T3, proviron, var, primo, clen, caber

List: [email protected]

EXO-GEN [emoji626]

Anyone new to EXO get 2 FREE TEST with first order. Grab a list: [email protected]
What if this promo was gone tomorrow?
You would be PISSED you didn’t jump in. Don’t be that guy, don’t be pissed.

Grab a list, get free stuff and be that guy that’s happy you did [emoji1306]

List: [email protected]

EXO-GEN [emoji626]

Anyone new to EXO get 2 FREE TEST with first order. Grab a list: [email protected]

EXO-GEN [emoji626]

Anyone new to EXO get 2 FREE TEST with first order. Grab a list: [email protected]
Here is what I know…

If you are a regular and use this promo 3x, you not only get 3 free vails, but you easily save over $100!

….AND if you are new, the same as the above but you get 2 free test of choice. Which if you get 2 TEST400, that’s another $66 SAVINGS!!

List: [email protected]

EXO-GEN [emoji626]

Anyone new to EXO get 2 FREE TEST with first order. Grab a list: [email protected]
Buy 3 get 1 FREE!
[emoji91]Can be used 3x per order
[emoji91]No mix & match

*No GH, GW, MK, T3, proviron, var, primo, clen, caber

List: [email protected]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This promo is one of a kind. If you use it 3x you get 3 FREE ITEMS! That could save you over $100 with of goods. Do the math, you win!

AND, if you are new you get 2 FREE TEST! Add that to the mix and your order is a home run!

Grab a list: [email protected]
Get this…
Some dude just ordered:
3 DHB and got 1 FREE!
3 TEST400 and got 1 FREE!
3 EXO-Cuts and got 1 FREE!

He saved $140 and got 3 free vials! But, he is also new to EXO, first order…which means he can get 2 FREE TEST OF CHOICE. So he added another 2 Test 400 which saved him another $66!

That’s a $206 savings, or $206 worth of FREE SHIT!

Get some: [email protected]
Buy 3 get 1 FREE!
[emoji91]Can be used 3x per order
[emoji91]No mix & match

*No GH, GW, MK, T3, proviron, var, primo, clen, caber

AND, if you are new add 2 FREE TEST OF CHOICE to this order!!!

List: [email protected]