4 days of nothing


New member
I decided to not do a damn thing the whole time I'm at the lake. Just hang out and relax that's it! I think I deserve it. Works been stressful Emmys been sick and I've been hitting the weights hard. So I'll fish in the mornings, take a nap, and then take kakes and Emmy boat riding. It sounds great right? Then why the hell is it stressful thinking about it? I left the dumbells at the house and I'm half way to the lake house. I hope all of y'all have great weekend! Mines already started!
Sounds great bro! Your body can use the break I'm sure brutha. Enjoy your stress free weekend brutha!
That's cool bro.. Emmys gonna have a great time .. Did you pack her queen bed? Lol.. Can't wait to hear the fish count or see a picture ..
I hate when I try to forget everything and have a normal fun vacation. It's so hard to leave your schedule and priorities behind. Hope you have a good trip. Enjoy the time away. That's the reason you work and put so much pressure on yourself day to day.
Thanks guys it was great. We had a blast and I smashed my nuts all weekend. Friday morning my dad and I went bass fishing and had a limit by 9 am with 2 good ones. Then we switched boats and baited up a couple catfish holes. Me, kakes, and Emmy Lou fished, swam, and cruised around the lake the rest of the weekend. We catfished 3 times and caught around 50 keepers all together. It was just what we needed. Emmy did so good in the boat. She got use to her life jacket and started making vroom vroom noises when we were riding around. I feel like a fat slob now but it was totally worth it.
Thanks guys it was great. We had a blast and I smashed my nuts all weekend. Friday morning my dad and I went bass fishing and had a limit by 9 am with 2 good ones. Then we switched boats and baited up a couple catfish holes. Me, kakes, and Emmy Lou fished, swam, and cruised around the lake the rest of the weekend. We catfished 3 times and caught around 50 keepers all together. It was just what we needed. Emmy did so good in the boat. She got use to her life jacket and started making vroom vroom noises when we were riding around. I feel like a fat slob now but it was totally worth it.

That's awesome Jakey.. I'm jealous .. I love camping !!