4 Weeks in and not that impressed....


New member
Ok im 4 weeks in to my cycle and im not overly impressed with results right now. I didnt expect too much with the cycle im doing but im already thinking about the next cycle i'll do and what i'll add etc. I may just be having a bad day.

My cycle is 200Mg Primo p/w - 50mg Winnie EOD and just added some clen and Keto.

My body feels rock solid and there is an increase in mass for sure but i want more !!!!!!
What were you expecting with that cycle..... Hardness, vascularity and Strength gains is pretty much all I could see getting from that....
I started to use it for a slight mass gain and to stay solid while shifting fat but now some of the fat is going, the muscles underneath aren't as big as id hoped !

Bigup said:
I started to use it for a slight mass gain and to stay solid while shifting fat but now some of the fat is going, the muscles underneath aren't as big as id hoped !



Yeah..... That is very common bro..... You need to put your ego aside for a second and realize that with the fat loss you are going to look better, and believe it or not.... you will look bigger to everyone else.
Bigup said:
Good Point, i'll keep that in mind. friends tell me i look bigger but i dont look it to myself.

Don't let it get to ya.... It can really mess with your head..... The first time I did cut, it messed with me so bad, that I ended up messing up my cutter..... Just stick with it until the end, and you will be happy with the results.
That's the way it goes. I've seen many of my friends go from 13% to 8% and actually look bigger to most people since the cuts are deeper but I notice they're smaller when they stand beside in the mirror doing practcing their posing routines.

I'm getting worried about cutting this spring. Never had a full six pack and this spring I have planned for it and am very determined to get it. My only worry is that 18" arms are gonna be 16.5, DOH!
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thats because winny isnt going to shred you up like you think, its best used to maintain muscle while dieting. the primo at 200mg isnt enough to notice effects either, you need to run it at 400mg per week, and where is the test...MM
adding test could help but i'm a firm believer that it isn't essential. you could even up the primo but i'd have to say the problem is that you're inpatient bro. give it time. worry about the end result. forget what friends say or the scale and mirror. i promise if you up your training the results will be there. i do calistenics along with weight training (push,pull, situps) been doing calistenics for 28 yrs and at 46 my muscles stand up. step up the training and give the compounds a chance to work. good luck on the cycle.
Right. Im gonna leave it and finsh as i planned. My strength is going up pretty well and im training with someone a lot bigger and he's helping push me harder.
I'll post some pics after the cycle for "Critical Assesment"
(I promise)
bro you add deca to that combo, i hope you dont enjoy using your pecker. if you havent heard of deca dick, thats how you get it. id add some prop asap to that cycle...MM
primo & win are not typically bulkers anyway, I'd be surprised to have a 5lb increase in bw with that. However as stated above you will look better even though actually smaller. It's sometimes a necessary trade-off.
Bigup said:
Ok im 4 weeks in to my cycle and im not overly impressed with results right now. I didnt expect too much with the cycle im doing but im already thinking about the next cycle i'll do and what i'll add etc. I may just be having a bad day.

My cycle is 200Mg Primo p/w - 50mg Winnie EOD and just added some clen and Keto.

My body feels rock solid and there is an increase in mass for sure but i want more !!!!!!

Hey Bigup,

Good comments so far in this thread.

The 200mg primo will be just enough to suppress your endogenous testosterone production but not enough to have an anabolic effect. Madmax suggested test. which is a good idea for the next go 'round.

Also, in doing 50mg Winny EOD, you are not getting a prolonged effect. Better, if at all, to do 25mg ED in 2 doses. An exception woudl be if you are doing the Winny just post-workout.

Overall, I think your AAS doses are too small to expect any significant gains d/t pharmacologic effects. (You may be seeing a placebo effect, which is fine by me, too.)

How much clen are you using?...

im a complete impatien A-hole when it comes to training. no matter what i tell myself i always get impatient.