44 year old on TRT


New member
Greetings guys, great site here!
Been doing some reading over the last few months and thought I'd finally ask some questions to people with experience. I'll try to not bore the shit outta you, and keep it concise.

I am a 44 year old male, 5'9" and 200lbs+. I'll get to the weight in a minute. About 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with depression and put on some anti-depressives that really seemed to do the trick. But soon, the honeymoon was over and I was feeling tired and sluggish, although still not depressed as before - so I figured this is as good as it gets. My doctor ran some blood tests and found I was low in Test, like 30% down. I started thinking about all the other symptoms I had: sluggish, weight gain, lack of sexual appetite, etc. and it made sense. He immediately gave me a shot of Test 400 and told me to come back every 3 weeks. I felt good after about two weeks, but missed my appointments constantly because of my work schedule. So I just doubled up my anti-depression meds and hoped for the best - didn't do anything. Since I was low on Test, I figured I'd join the gym and get myself on a cycle since I could never make the appointment. I did a combo of 25-50mg of Methan, 25mg of Proviron and some Liv pills each day. Within about a week or so, I was really feeling it and thought I went through a time machine and I was 25 again! Remember, I am low on Test already so in my mind, I was trying to get back to normal and then some. I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week, riding the bike 30-40 miles a week and doing well. Then I went back to see my doctor about my anti-depressants. He flipped when he found out I was double dosing, and put me on a Test gel (underarm) - 60mg a day. But in the mean time, I had ordered 20 ml of Test 250 which I am doing twice weekly on top of the gel.

I stopped the Dbol after about 5 weeks to take a break, and I am on the Test gel from my doctor plus pinning twice a week with the Test250. I have been eating clean for the most part (no soda, no fast food, no desert, protein - chicken - egg whites and water) and sleeping and working out when not at the job. I have fucking gained weight - I am now at 227! No one can believe I am at 227lbs, in fact, I say I am around 195 and they don't believe me. I have belly fat to loose but my arms are getting bigger and my strength has really improved. And I feel fucking great! I bang my wife like when we met and feel unbreakable. No gyno or side effects to note.

I know the suggestion is going to be to loose a shitload of weight and keep working out. But I have been and am just gaining weight, possibly muscle? I want to loose the fat - I read the hugely popular post on Clem here and was thinking about giving it a try. Looking for some advice - the Test my doctor has me on seems puss, and I am known as 'Mr. Overboard'. Any suggestion on a gear stack, assuming I will throw all the advice out the window and do one anyway? lol.

I appreciate any help with this, thanks!
OK, what's an ECA stack? IGF? Also, what do you think of the amount of test I am on currently? What would be good to add to straight Test?
you can pick up ephedra as bronkaid at a pharmacy, aspirin and caffeine (cheap at big box stores).

not sure on the dosages. i'll look and try to find it but i know Presser has extensive knowledge with the "do it yourself" ECA stack.
But in the mean time, I had ordered 20 ml of Test 250 which I am doing twice weekly on top of the gel.

So how much test are you doing per week? 125x2 or 250x2? With the shots and the crappy gel? I would just stay on the test for a while. You have already got your foot in the door with TRT so you have a wonderfull life of blasting and cruising to look forward to.:pleased:
Sorry, figured out the ECA stack. What would a good recommendation be to put together a stack like that?

you don't want Bronkaid ephedrine in my opinion, you will wanna buy the Primatine brand ephedrine sold at most pharmacies , just ask pharmacist for it, they have it and its Over the counter, but you need to show i.d. cause your only aloud to buy 2 boxes per month i think,

take 25mg ephedrine, 2-400mg caffeine, and 85-325mg Aspirin
Greetings guys, great site here!
Been doing some reading over the last few months and thought I'd finally ask some questions to people with experience. I'll try to not bore the shit outta you, and keep it concise.

I am a 44 year old male, 5'9" and 200lbs+. I'll get to the weight in a minute. About 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with depression and put on some anti-depressives that really seemed to do the trick. But soon, the honeymoon was over and I was feeling tired and sluggish, although still not depressed as before - so I figured this is as good as it gets. My doctor ran some blood tests and found I was low in Test, like 30% down. I started thinking about all the other symptoms I had: sluggish, weight gain, lack of sexual appetite, etc. and it made sense. He immediately gave me a shot of Test 400 and told me to come back every 3 weeks. I felt good after about two weeks, but missed my appointments constantly because of my work schedule. So I just doubled up my anti-depression meds and hoped for the best - didn't do anything. Since I was low on Test, I figured I'd join the gym and get myself on a cycle since I could never make the appointment. I did a combo of 25-50mg of Methan, 25mg of Proviron and some Liv pills each day. Within about a week or so, I was really feeling it and thought I went through a time machine and I was 25 again! Remember, I am low on Test already so in my mind, I was trying to get back to normal and then some. I'm hitting the gym 5 days a week, riding the bike 30-40 miles a week and doing well. Then I went back to see my doctor about my anti-depressants. He flipped when he found out I was double dosing, and put me on a Test gel (underarm) - 60mg a day. But in the mean time, I had ordered 20 ml of Test 250 which I am doing twice weekly on top of the gel.

I stopped the Dbol after about 5 weeks to take a break, and I am on the Test gel from my doctor plus pinning twice a week with the Test250. I have been eating clean for the most part (no soda, no fast food, no desert, protein - chicken - egg whites and water) and sleeping and working out when not at the job. I have fucking gained weight - I am now at 227! No one can believe I am at 227lbs, in fact, I say I am around 195 and they don't believe me. I have belly fat to loose but my arms are getting bigger and my strength has really improved. And I feel fucking great! I bang my wife like when we met and feel unbreakable. No gyno or side effects to note.

I know the suggestion is going to be to loose a shitload of weight and keep working out. But I have been and am just gaining weight, possibly muscle? I want to loose the fat - I read the hugely popular post on Clem here and was thinking about giving it a try. Looking for some advice - the Test my doctor has me on seems puss, and I am known as 'Mr. Overboard'. Any suggestion on a gear stack, assuming I will throw all the advice out the window and do one anyway? lol.

I appreciate any help with this, thanks!

Once your doc put you on testosterone, did you consider that perhaps your depression was related to having low levels? It was probably a bad idea to double up on the depression meds, and I'd suggest you find a way to get off them completely. Low testosterone is one of the most common causes for depression in older men. I'm assuming that you're on Axiron considering the dosage and that you're applying to the underarm. 60mg/day seems to be about equivalent to 100-150mg of injectable testosterone per week which is meant to bring your levels up from an average of 300ng/dl to about 600-800ng/dl.. right in the middle of the scale. Your doc is only following recommended dosing from the company that makes the product, and yes, it will seem tame. They only care that your levels are in range, not at supraphysiological levels that bodybuilders use. IMO, dosing is difficult with topical testosterone, and it's too much of a risk of getting it on someone else. It's far more easy to control your levels with injections as uncomfortable as they may be. I would suggest that you have your doctor prescribe injectable. I'm only a year older than you, and I've been on TRT for 15 years, injectable only, so I have a lot of experience with it.

As Raysd21 asked, are you doing 1ml (which is 1cc) of the test 250 twice a week?

You'll definitely be gaining weight by increasing muscle mass being on TRT and your extra test. Combined, it's like the equivalent of being on 600mg/week which is a good cycle. Most gain 20-30 lbs of muscle from their first time around. If you want to lose fat, these guys have given you some great suggestions on how to do it. Diet will be another key there.
I'm doing 1 ml of 250 2x per week, and 30mg per day of the gel crap. The dbol was awesome, I'm going to jump back on that in another 4 weeks.
Thanks for the info bro.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, I used to use (abuse?) Mini-Thins back in the day so I am pretty well acquainted with the E. So just hit up the pharma and ask for...Primatine? Any experience with Kaizen?
Thank you sir!
Presser u only do ECA 1x ED? I do 2-3x ED. Bronkaid works but Presser's right Priv is HCL version & it's got more kick. I wish I had Test to run w/ IGF1!
Presser u only do ECA 1x ED? I do 2-3x ED. Bronkaid works but Presser's right Priv is HCL version & it's got more kick. I wish I had Test to run w/ IGF1!

yeah just once a day but i do 50mg ephedrine, 800mg caffeine , and 325mg aspirin. So it is more then normal and this morning i actually did 75mg ephedrine and 1000mg caffeine and 325 mg aspirin. It keeps me super lean, ever since i started doing bigger dosages the fat melted away, quite impressive actually , but i would never recommend anyone do anything near those doses as I'm an ECA addict lmao

I use to do it multiple times a day when i was competing but not anymore
yeah just once a day but i do 50mg ephedrine, 800mg caffeine , and 325mg aspirin. So it is more then normal and this morning i actually did 75mg ephedrine and 1000mg caffeine and 325 mg aspirin. It keeps me super lean, ever since i started doing bigger dosages the fat melted away, quite impressive actually , but i would never recommend anyone do anything near those doses as I'm an ECA addict lmao

I use to do it multiple times a day when i was competing but not anymore

Now my 37.5mg of ephedrine, 400mg of caffeine and 86mg of aspirin once a day doesn't seem bad at all. Thanks OD
Yes, I am trying to get off the dep meds...i made it for three days and then I felt like a junkie so I jumped back on the normal doses.
I am taking the Axiron, but found out today at the pharma that my insurance doesn't cover it...so it's $500 a month. I am going to ask my Dr. on Monday for the injectables as my mother-in-law is a nurse and lives with us. On top of that, I am doing 1ml of Test250 twice a week. Thanks for the info bro!
Yes, I am trying to get off the dep meds...i made it for three days and then I felt like a junkie so I jumped back on the normal doses.
I am taking the Axiron, but found out today at the pharma that my insurance doesn't cover it...so it's $500 a month. I am going to ask my Dr. on Monday for the injectables as my mother-in-law is a nurse and lives with us. On top of that, I am doing 1ml of Test250 twice a week. Thanks for the info bro!

fuck that Axiron shit bro! especially at those prices! Sorry to hear about the meds and having to jump back on them, that sucks!
look Ive been on it 10+ years. If your going to use the cream, get a script for the desired strength solution and go to compound pharmacy and have them make it up. the cost is 50 bucjks a month, they can custom make any solution. I use 7.5 %. Phawk axiom. its the exact same thing 10 times less . The 50 buck is without insurance too.
Well, I went in for a refill on the Axiom - my insurance doesn't co-pay so it was $500. I told them to eat a dick up. Then they tried Androgel - same cost.
I'm now taking Testim 50mg daily - comes out to $0 a month. I am continuing with 2ml a week of Test Cyp 250, but the bloat is fking killing me. It sucks that the doctors will give you the "recommended" dose and not give a shit about what else happens, like bloat etc. I had some good success with muscle growth and a great well being when I stacked with some Methan. I'm going back to adding that in about a week - just made me feel great and added some great muscle. Any suggestion on helping with the bloat? Looking at Proviron or Anastrozole, any advice?
Well, I went in for a refill on the Axiom - my insurance doesn't co-pay so it was $500. I told them to eat a dick up. Then they tried Androgel - same cost.
I'm now taking Testim 50mg daily - comes out to $0 a month. I am continuing with 2ml a week of Test Cyp 250, but the bloat is fking killing me. It sucks that the doctors will give you the "recommended" dose and not give a shit about what else happens, like bloat etc. I had some good success with muscle growth and a great well being when I stacked with some Methan. I'm going back to adding that in about a week - just made me feel great and added some great muscle. Any suggestion on helping with the bloat? Looking at Proviron or Anastrozole, any advice?
Just now catching up on the post, yeah 500mg's can cause a little bloat, clean the diet up a little make sure you are 1gallon of water + a day, and try some Aquadex from the MC store its great for lowering bloat, it is a great Aromatase Inhibitor.
I am no where near drinking the gallon a day of H2o. Will do that starting now...I guess I am such a noob, I figured that would add MORE water weight. How does drinking that much water help, flushing out the system maybe?

Thank you!