44 year old on TRT

I am no where near drinking the gallon a day of H2o. Will do that starting now...I guess I am such a noob, I figured that would add MORE water weight. How does drinking that much water help, flushing out the system maybe?

Thank you!

Yeah you can manipulate your water intake to piss it all out and be shredded if times right for a show, but overall i would say drinking a lot of water is great for your skin, and good for your kidneys!
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yeah just once a day but i do 50mg ephedrine, 800mg caffeine , and 325mg aspirin. So it is more then normal and this morning i actually did 75mg ephedrine and 1000mg caffeine and 325 mg aspirin. It keeps me super lean, ever since i started doing bigger dosages the fat melted away, quite impressive actually , but i would never recommend anyone do anything near those doses as I'm an ECA addict lmao

I use to do it multiple times a day when i was competing but not anymore
Anytime I worry about over consuming stimulants, I can just fall back on the fact that you are still alive.