
Who supplements this for mood enhancement?

I Use to use it alot back when I was in my mid 20's I was into the whole Ecstacy Seen & partying every weekend and dropping about 20 bombs per weekend easily! Long story short is after a while I felt mentaly zapped and started using 5htp to help replenish serotonin and I honestly never felt anything from using it and i kept using it for a long time just incase maybe it was working,lol, but i never felt anything at all from it
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I Use to use it alot back when I was in my mid 20's I was into the whole Ecstacy Seen & partying every weekend and dropping about 20 bombs per weekend easily! Long story short is after a while I felt mentaly zapped and started using 5htp to help replenish serotonin and I honestly never felt anything from using it and i kept using it for a long time just incase maybe it was working,lol, but i never felt anything at all from it

aaahhhhhh!! those were the days!! i used used 5htp the same way. never really did anything for me either.
I Use to use it alot back when I was in my mid 20's I was into the whole Ecstacy Seen & partying every weekend and dropping about 20 bombs per weekend easily! Long story short is after a while I felt mentaly zapped and started using 5htp to help replenish serotonin and I honestly never felt anything from using it and i kept using it for a long time just incase maybe it was working,lol, but i never felt anything at all from it

Holy crap. This is exactly what I used to use it for as well. Man, those really were the days. Rolling my face off.....and I feel you on the 20 pills a weekend. Ahhhh, the good old days.
whats it suppose to do and do u have any info on it?

piracetam is classified a nootropic drug. aka 'smart drug'. helps with learning memory and mood. ill copy and paste this from wiki

The mechanism of action of piracetam, as with racetams in general, is not fully understood, but it influences neuronal and vascular functions and influences cognitive function without acting as a sedative or a stimulant.<sup id="cite_ref-Winblad2005_2-2" class="reference">[3]</sup> Piracetam is a positive allosteric modulator of the AMPA receptor.<sup id="cite_ref-ahmedoswald_12-0" class="reference">[13]</sup> It is hypothesized to act on ion channels or ion carriers<sup class="Template-Fact" title="This claim needs references to reliable sources from September 2008" style="white-space: nowrap;">[citation needed]</sup>, thus leading to non-specific increased neuron excitability, while explaining its lack of agonistic or inhibitory effect on synaptic action (quite unlike most neurotransmitters), and its low toxicity.<sup id="cite_ref-noot_13-0" class="reference">[14]</sup> It has been found to increase blood flow and oxygen consumption in parts of the brain but this may be a side effect of increased brain activity rather than a primary effect or mechanism of action for the drug.<sup id="cite_ref-14" class="reference">[15]</sup>
Piracetam improves the function of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine via muscarinic cholinergic (ACh) receptors which are implicated in memory processes.<sup id="cite_ref-novel_15-0" class="reference">[16]</sup> Furthermore, Piracetam may have an effect on NMDA glutamate receptors, which are involved with learning and memory processes. Piracetam is thought to increase cell membrane permeability.<sup id="cite_ref-novel_15-1" class="reference">[16]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-16" class="reference">[17]</sup> Piracetam may exert its global effect on brain neurotransmission via modulation of ion channels (i.e., Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>).<sup id="cite_ref-noot_13-1" class="reference">[14]</sup> It has been found to increase oxygen consumption in the brain, apparently in connection to ATP metabolism, and increases the activity of adenylate kinase in rat brain.<sup id="cite_ref-ReferenceA_17-0" class="reference">[18]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-18" class="reference">[19]</sup> Piracetam appears to increase the synthesis of cytochrome b5,<sup id="cite_ref-19" class="reference">[20]</sup> which is a part of the electron transport mechanism in mitochondria. It also increases the permeability of the mitochondria of some intermediaries of the Krebs cycle.<sup id="cite_ref-ReferenceA_17-1" class="reference">[18]</sup>
I actually use it to help me sleep. I take it right before bed with my Ambien. Makes the Ambien work sooo much better.

that really doesn't make sense since 5-HTP is metabolized into serotonin via the tryptophan hydroxylase enzyme, whereas the "z-drugs", of which zolpidem (Ambien) is included, have affinity solely for the ionotropic A subset of the GABA receptor. Obviously Serotonin is an agonist for the 5-HT receptors, whereas sedatives target the GABA receptor.
and i mean i can't really definitively say that 5-HTP made a difference, as MDMA:
1. inhibits tryptophan hydroxylase
2. bind postsynaptic 5-HT(2A) receptors
3. binds the presynaptic 5-HT transporter
4. enhances 5-HT release from the vesicles into the synapse
5. inhibits Monoamine Oxidase

The real pertinent and key one here is number 1. It really is not a big deal that you are utilizing most of your vesicular serotonin stores when you roll super hard. What really is the problem, is that although you could provide your body with a plethora of 5-HTP (a serotonin precursor), the enzyme responsible for the catalysis into the active neurotransmitter is bound by an inhibitor. Therefore, the limiting reagent in this reaction is the enzyme, and no matter how much 5-HTP we consume it will still take some time to fully replenish stores back to "base" level.

However, I have noticed that if i "frontload" 5-HTP a week or so before I roll, then I roll INCREDIBLY hard and don't need to take anywhere near as many molly. I have been told not to consume 5-HTP on the day that you intend to roll, as there are several accounts of this leading to illness.